
I wanna learn how to pro. fight martial arts ect. where do i start?

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I wanna learn how to pro. fight martial arts ect. where do i start?




  1. It really,really helps if you were athletic as a child and fit to begin with. It really helps big time if you have wrestled in school. If you are in school now, join a wrestling class immediately.

    I suggest you get in serious shape (if you're not right now) because MMA is not a joke. Don't believe that anyone can do it. (Sure, anyone can start) but to take it to a very high level these days, you have to be in sick shape. Like Olympic level shape. I'm taking about fighting for 30 minutes without getting tired! It's become based more on pure athletic ability than actual technical ability.

    If you are fat and 30 years old and never been athletic, then it might be better for you to take a traditional martial arts class. Take a Kempo class or a Kung Fu class. Take something cool and exotic like Filipino Knife Fighting. Or take Krav Maga. Someting in a more controlled environment. You will still learn some skills and feel like you are learning something.

    Because the 19-20 year old jocks in the MMA gyms will kick your *** inside out every day, and it will be extremely discouraging for you.

  2. 1. find out where all the clubs that enters competitions in your area or within 30 minutes by train/car/bus. This can be done via yellow pages, advertisements, asking someone already in pro-fight, go and watch the tournament and find out info from there.

    2. find out who is the best coach in the selected clubs. this can be done by: checking out his credentials, what has he achieved,  what was his ranking as a pro-fighter, how good is his students, have they been winning competitions. If a coach who can produce a few champions, then , you know he is a good coach who knows what he is doing., check him out on the internet, go to the competitions and find out which clubs has the most winning fighters.

    3. Go to the club that will give you the best training.

    Sometiimes you can save money, or travelling time, by going to a cheap club near you, but what you will lose is time, skills development. You waste a lot of time, learning the wrong techques and tactics. you gain a lot of bad habits. You don't want to find out your short comings when your life depends on it. You don't want to train so hard and still lose a fight, because your coach teaches you the wrong techniques, wrong training methods.

    That is why smart experienced martial artists will always look for the best coach. they won't even settle for 2nd best. If you and the other opponent train just as hard as each other, and you both have similar talents, then, the wining edge would be who has the better coach.

  3. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand's not how do I become a pro fighter, but it's where do I become a pro fighter? You'll start out finding a amateur promoter in amateur MMA also known as "The Smoker's League" you'll fight in amateur ( ammy ) events then you'll either win or lose.  Going undefeated is great, but not a must in the ammy's especially sense your ammy record will not reflect your pro record what so ever.  Then after you fight anywhere from 6 - 12 ammy fights a pro-am promoter may ask you to fight as a pro in his own little local or statewide events for like $625.00 per fight as a pro and it doesn't get bettere than that starting out although you could make maybe $1,000.00 per fight depending on the greedy b*stard of a promoter that you have to deal with starting out in the pros.  After you get another 6 - 12 pro fights in some greedy pro-am promoter's events you'll have a few more options open up to you.  For one after you've fought pro fights for the greedy fat man's promotion company you can then send all of your pro fight videos to Sean Shelby at the UFC's website along with a bio and hope that he'll look at the video and bio that you sent and give you a chance at Spike T.V.'s "The Ultimate Fighter".  Option #2. After your first 6 or so pro fights for the greedy fat man's promotion company you talk to the people over at "King of the Cage" ( KOTC ) and see what they can do to get you onto an Indian Reservation in one of those Reservation Casinos for some pro fights.  Dana White usually bugs the sh*t out of the KOTC when he needs a fighter on short notice and there are a ton of KOTC fighters that now fight in the UFC because of this fact.  Option #3. you search for one of the UFC's fighter's schools ( Franklin in Mason Ohio or Matt Serra In New Jersey , etc etc. etc. )  and go there and kiss a** with those professionals and they get you onto Spike T.V.'s "The Ultimate FIghter" but you've got to kiss it good though.  

    These are the motions of all pro fighters unless your daddy owns a pro-am MMA promotion company and you can fight in his orgs. events.

    If you make it to the UFC ammy promoters will pay "Sinister Angel Cage Rental" extra money to have you Ref ammy fights or make an apperance in some hillbilly town and this will be 30% or better of your pro fight income sense you get your cut for hanging out making a ammy promoter's events worth watching while signing stupid a** autographs and what not..  Don't believe me? check out Sinister Angel Cage Rentals on any search engine and read their website closely.  You'll also make money from traveling to seminars and hanging out with snot nose brat kids with parents with disposable incomes....Oh joy!!   Then Dana White will even give you Hummer after Hummer instead of cash and say, "You like that Hummer Mother******? ...Well it's F****** all yours!!"  and when you ask him about the cash pay he'll say, "What the F*** are you talking about cash pay for Mother******* ? .... The 15 Hummers I gave you last year and the 6 I've given your a** this f****** year aren't good enough?...go F*** you self!!!"

    This is the sport summed up in a nutt shell.  Others will tell you this and that and they don't know sh*t.  You can go into the "ammy's" without any training because I've personally spoken with 20 somethings about their training right before they entered some ammy cage and they've told me flat out that they had no prior formal training.  As a matter of fact check out any Amateur MMA org and you'll see "STREET FIGHTERS WELCOME" right on front of the websites.

    Good luck and I know that the truth is hard to swallow for UFC fans about how MMA actually works, but it's the truth none the less.

  4. well find a school that competes and go from there, i started at a really good school and they never competed,but i learned how to fight! then i had to move and got into a rather bad school that did do competitions, my level in sparring is WAY above the students at the new school.... so it really is your choice, it is difficult to find exactly what you want.

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