
I wanna learn how to snowboard, I need some info...?

by  |  earlier

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I already know how to ski, I've been skiing since I was 6. Now that I'm older (14) skiing seems like for older people. All my friends know how to snowboard but I'm the "skier". How many one-on-one lessons do I need with a snowboard teacher? Also is it harder than skiing? I know its safer in case of an avalanche because with skis you can break your leg easily, one goes to one side and other goes to other. Overall, just some general info. Also is it more fun than skiing?




  1. skiing is for old people... thats a lie.. so many people ski.. who doesn't like to rip up the park on skis?

  2. I never had lessons ( that I know of)  and I was fine. There is not much to know about it but if you never tried snowboarding then it just depends on how much you need.

  3. I skied for 6 years before switching over and it took me three full day lessons before being able to do black diamonds. you should be fine, but if it doesn't come to you quickly don't get frustrated and stick with it; you won't regret it

  4. Only you can judge how many lessons you will need. Sounds like with your experience, it shouldn't take much. Some classes are geared just for your level so ask before you sign up.  Hard to say which is more fun; is the waltz not worth dancing if you can samba? Do both and have the best of both worlds. Ski with your family; snowboard with your friends.

  5. I snowboard, have done so for several years and can ski. The initial learning process is harder for snowboarding imo. I think snowboarding allows more opputunity for further challenges, and creativity. skiing is generally thought of as being more confined to the pistes. Lesson wise one on one is a good idea. in terms of hours, anywhere from four upwards to get to a comfortable and confident linking turns level, to go by yourself onto the slopes. This will not be any great level of skill though.

  6. no telling how many lessons you will need. I think that with skiing you already no how differnt slopes and angles contibutes to you level so all you will probably need is to just take a few lessons so that you non how to stop, go, turn, and just get down the mountain and then you should be ok. If you get frustarded take a break and stick with it. after you get good fun over powers any frustration you will have ever had. I have no clue about skiing. I have snowboarded for almost 8 years and I no  that even if skiing is more fun, I dont care because snowboarding is so fun, I would never ever  stop. Some times I even get an overdose of fun and then the next day I get bored so then I go snowboarding again.  by then Im addicted but never get sick of it

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