
I wanna live in Broome?? is Broome good for living??

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i am 15 from perth so is it good??




  1. places for vaccation are beautiful to live in only if have a lotta money..

  2. My friend lives there and she loves it.  Depends I guess.  I dont know what life would be like for a 15 yr old there.  Get on line and find out about the place.  If you are going there...then research is good.  At least the weather is warm all the time.  My friend is back in Perth at the moment doing some study and she's freezing her butt off.  lol  Good luck.

  3. I suggest to move their now while its inexpensive. Broome is what we Americans call a 'boomtown' which is a classification of a small town that will probably be a metropolis not before long. So yeah, move to Broome, get yourself a nice location, and enjoy yourself.

  4. My cousins live in Broome, but they are in their early 20s.  If you have a job and live a bit out of town, it's very nice.  I'm not sure what you intend to do if you're 15 - finish school?

    Be prepared for all food and resources (e.g. petrol) to be expensive.  There is no Hungry Jack's (a fave of my cousins).  There's limited shopping (no big centres), movies etc.

    The weather looks "nice" when you sit here in Perth looking at the weather forecast, but be prepared for hideous humidity.  Refrigerated air-con is nice, but expensive to run all year around.  Don't forget the cyclones!

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