
I wanna meet a real vampire if you are can you please send me a message or something.

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no frauds please.




  1. "The answer to this question depends on your definition of the word vampire. If you feel that vampires are the creatures depicted in movies such as Near Dark and in books such as Dracula and Interview With A Vampire, then I would have to say no. To date, I have not met or even heard of a varafiable creature such as that.

    If on the other hand, you beleive that vampires are people who are basically normal with the exception of one or two abnomalities such as hypersensitivity to light, heightened psychic abilities, and the physical need to consume blood, then my answer would be yes." by Michael Angelus of The Vampire Research and Survey Center (VRSC) .


  3. If your definition of a vampire is somebody who drinks blood and likes to think of themselves as a Vampire then sure, you'll probably find some if you look hard enough and you could even 'be one' but it would be role-playing rather than the real deal as undead beings that live forever don't exist (sorry). Its fun to read about and enjoy them though and have your fantasies. (I love vampires!) I wouldn't recommend meeting any off of the net though. That would be extremely dangerous. If I were you I;d join some vampire-fan sites and role playing ones. You'll get to chat to people who share your passion, ok. And maybe...just'll even make some good friends!

  4. I am what's called a Sanguinarian vampire, meaning a blood drinker. Real vampires are not immortal, not affected by holy objects, and are just normal people with a sort of energy leak, some take it psychically, some through feeding off of blood, like me.

    You can feel free to email me, and if you have any other questions, two friends and I have started a blog, to answer questions about vampires, werewolves, therians, and otherkin.

  5. i dont think anyone's gonna answer u seriously. i asked a question on how 2 become a vampire and ppl keep giving bad answers im like what the heck? so srry if i do become a vampire or i find one i'll tell u  

  6. there is no  such thing as a vampire are you  7 or something? p.s. u wasted 5 points.

  7. no no no, you dont want to do that. you can talk all you want, but NEVER meet a vamp in person. its dangerous. anywho, why do you want to meet one? they are not as interesting as people make them out to be.

  8. Only frauds could possibly answer you and claim to be a "vampire".

    Disturbed and possibly dangerous frauds to boot.

    Role-playing is cool and loads of fun - but the real thing simply does not exist.

  9. Vamps are real danger for people who know little about them. Are there any mentors out there?

  10. i yam a Vvampire and i yam heeree tto Ddrink ur Bluud! MuHuHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!....NoT ReaLly:P:P There are no Vampires Living on earth unless u mean cannibals or Vampire bats!!

  11. Oh yes i'm a real vampire, I'll tell you everything just send me all your money.

    and perhaps get off yahoo and take a trip to the looney bin while your at it. Your just bait for a scam or pervert.

  12. you don't want to meet a vampire spirit. red eyes, white-light blue face, two extra long teeth

  13. Not a good idea, little girl. The Web is full of occultists who identify with vampirism, who are not "nice," and who can affect you psychologically, spiritually, and physically--and are generally sociopathic.

  14. Hi, Kiara

    Real vampires are nothing like the ones in fictional books and movies. There are people who call themselves vampires, but are basically just role-players or blood fetishists. There are also living, mortal people who have a weird metaphysical energy deficiency that makes them need to take vital energy from other people. These people also call themselves real vampires or vampyres.

    I'm one of the 2nd kind, basically what's called a psychic vampire or psi-vamp. We draw energy from people, often unconsciously, to replace our own when it gets low. We still eat regular food, We look and act like anyone else. Sometimes psychic vampires can make other people feel tired or drained, but we can also "feed" off free-floating "ambient" energy that all living things give off, or take just small amounts from people, so they don't even notice it. Normal people can replenish their energy easily, and some even have an excess.

    Real living vampires are generally classed into 2 main catagorires. Those who drink small amounts of blood from consenting donors are called sanguinarians or sangs. Those who energy-feed directly are called psychic vampires or psi-vamps. Those who feed both ways are sometimes called hybrids.

    You can email if you wish.

    - P.  

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