
I wanna move?

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I have wanted to move for awhile now, same with my family. My mom got a new job closer to where we'd like to move so now we are getting more serious about it. I hate my school, I don't have many friends that I actually like besides like 2, I don't like the people at my school, a lot of my friends keep changing or doing bad stuff of moving, I don't like my sports team or my coach, and I'm just sick of it. None of my family likes there jobs either. I should be enjoying my high school years, not dreading it. Please give me tips on how to get my family motivated and how to start with getting the house on the market and sold! We have a lot of construction type things that need to be done, and only my dad can do them but hes not really motivated to. I WANT TO MOVE NOW! please help =[ and dont say stick it out try to make new friends. does not happen that easily. thanks!




  1. Have you talked to your parents and expressed your grief?  Can't they see you are sad?  Sounds like they all want to move as bad as you do.

  2. First of all "you" need to be motivated about moving....  go to and look up your new area you want to live in, find a great school, present it to your parents...  go to the website for the city you want to move to, email and ask for all the free stuff you can get in the mail from them...  like a "Moving Packet" - this will come with a brochure on the city - ask for school info, bus info, job info... housing info.....  the more stuff you get in the mail...  maybe that will spark your parents to get a move on!! good luck!

    Mother of 5 :-)

  3. well u should move with ur family cause in future u will need ur family well i just joined this thing so i'll be ur friend im dnaish 19 from euless tx u can always c me in facebook in danish jindani
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