
I wanna name my twin boys after former Republican presidents?

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Which two are best (my fav presidents)?

1. Abe

2. Ronald

3. George

4. Richard




  1. How about Reagan and Carter (yeah, he was Dem. but...)

    I thought Abe Lincoln was Democrat?  

  2. George and Richard.  

  3. Separating the names from the people completely, since I know nothing about presidents and the like (I'm in Aust.) ...

    I love George. After that, Richard.

    George and Richard. Very handsome. Um... just don't nickname Richard 'Ringo', cause uh... yeah. Heh.

  4. Ronald and George are a nice pair.

    Have you also considered boys names that sound even more presidential, such as Jefferson, Lincoln, or Grant? These are three of my favorite boys names.  Also, maybe prepare a girls name (just in case), like Reagan.

  5. Ronald and Richard

  6. Don't name your kid Abe Lincoln, George Washington, Richard Nixon, etc.

    That's worse than naming them 'Lafandii LeTraDiDoo Starliite Jones'.

  7. Richard and Abe

  8. I like Abe && Ronald. However, those names are very old and your kids could get teased for it, so how about Lincoln and Reagan? Those are the matching surnames for those names, and they're quite sweet.

  9. you would name your child after George Bush?

  10. Abe and Richard

    Abe and Richy are cute

  11. Abraham and Theodore (Abe and Teddy, if you will).  Hey, they're both on Mount Rushmore.  William (as in McKinley) is another good choice.

  12. Goerge and Richard- cute names that will grow as the boys grow and are quite normal so that they won't always get associated with the presidents if they don't want to be.

  13. Abe is great, the rest are too old. Go with something hot like Lincoln. I love that. But dont name them Abe & Lincoln. That would be weird. Harrison is another good pick. I also like Nixon. Don't go with George. The Bushes are over, everyone hates them. Or should I say only 33% of people like them.  

  14. Um, okay.

    Richard & Abe?

  15. Don't doo it.

  16. FYI--even though Abe Lincoln was a Republican, it was before the parties switched positions.  So, if you are looking for a Republican with the same beliefs as the Republicans today, you should look at more recent ones.

  17. Abraham...Abe


  18. George and Richard

  19. May your sons grow up to be staunch Democrats.

  20. mmm none?

    You could just chose two of these names you like but not inform everyone that they are from republcan presidents because the kids will be killed at school

    ronald and richard

  21. George is super cute, and Ron by itself would be cute too.

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