
I wanna play football for my school but?

by  |  earlier

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ive never played a real league....ima one of the quickest and fastest kids in school..i play about 5'7 im fast and strong..i wanna play halfback or quarterback but im too nervous to play because i never have but when i play with friends im one of the best and i know if i played id be good but im to scared to try out because ive never played in a actual game and im scared and nervous...




  1. Just go for it. The worst that can happen is that you won't be first string. So what? I'm playing right now and I'm second team DB but I'm busting my @$$ to get on first. Just do your best.

  2. Same happened to me last year. I was nervous, even though I knew I was great at playing the game. The first game I didn't play at all. Second I went through one play (I was a wideout). The next week I switched to Corner. The QB through the ball right to me and I came up with a great interception. From then on I was the starter. The point is just relax, practice ALOT, because then you won't even think you'll just do it. Try and loosen up.

  3. I'm thinking of that to hitting my first year of high school. Before you tryout you should practice some fundamentals so you don't embarrass your self. If you never played football before it's a smart move to play halfback over QB because playing QB is the hardest position in football on the playing field

  4. if u go out scared ur gunna get killed.   go out cocky and confident.

  5. With your speed you can try WR or CB. If you have good hands you could be unstobbale.

  6. well you need to stop being nervous fight your nervs

    be strong! you will be  a good cb or a wr if you concer your nervs !

  7. did you get scared posting this question

  8. what's the big deal?  try out anyway.  don't pass up opportunities to have fun.  I was the same way in HS, and I'm glad I played.  I didn't end up startin on Varsity till my Senior year, but I worked my @$$ off to get to that point, and I don't regret how it went... I know I earned what I got.

    Do it, at least so you don't give yourself a reason to say "what if?"

  9. yeah , why not? but remember.. playing football is like making love to a very beautiful woman; you wont always score, but when you do... it makes it all worth while. :D

  10. Yeah dude go for it.  Just remember that the Varsity and J.V. are gonna seem a lot better than you on the first day.  This is only because they have more experience.  I know this because i myself am a Freshman.

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