
I wanna play tennis. is it hard?

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ive never playedd




  1. yes its hard, you need to learn the right techniques, forehand and backhand..

    you have to be pateint, and willing to work with any situation.. rally the ball....

  2. yes it is....but if you have talent you will improve needs a work hard...good luck

  3. no way its very nice game. go ahead and play well.

  4. No plenty of practise you`ll be the next tim henman! aha

  5. Its not hard to learn, But its very fun so good on ya for giving it a go. Just remember to hold the racket firmly and really try and control the ball.

  6. it can be at first, because you are new at it, but it will get easier and fun!

  7. oh my god yes. i dont know why people say its easy!!! its super hard if u learn u know the proper way. i guess its easy if u just wanna hit the ball back tho?? its hard but well worth it im compeltly addicted!

  8. yeah.. from the start its hard... but if you have the determination to excel in the sport... and trying hard and practicing always.. you will excel!

  9. NOT AT ALL, Nadal and Djokobitch can also play tennis. And they are the worst tennis player i've ever seen. So start playing tennis and in 1 month you will play the same game like these ********.

  10. nothing is hard, in fact its really fun if u develop a liking for tennis.

  11. It will be easier if you play other sports/physical activity that might give you decent hand-eye coordination, good physical conditioning, or balance.  Good instruction will also make things a LOT easier.  Picking up a tennis racquet and trying to learn on your own with your friends that are also beginners would make it a lot harder.  I suggest you look for some beginner tennis classes in your area.

  12. It isn't very difficult to learn. It takes a lot of practice, and, like my tennis coach says, you have to hit that ball 10,000 times correctly before you've really got it down.

    It's fun to play, a good form of excersize, and it even helps you meet new people. Just remember, if you want to get good, it'll take a lot of time, and a lot of effort.

  13. The hardest thing to learn is the initial strategies and strokes of the game. After you learn not only is it easy it the one of the best experiences you can have in your life. GT

  14. Depends what you mean by 'hard'.

    If you mean, is it hard to play professionally and win grand slams, then the short answer is yes. It takes decades of practice to get to that level.

    However, if you just want to have a casual game with your friends, most people with reasonable hand-eye coordination can pick up a racquet and play.

  15. When I learned it was a little confusing, but once you learn, you never forget and it becomes extremely easy. I only started two years ago, but now I'm on my high school tennis team which is pretty good.

  16. No it's not hard, but it is important that you learn with someone that can play. If you play with another person that has never played the result will usually be neither of you can keep the ball in the court and after a half hour of chasing the ball out of the courts and around the courts you will both get sick and tired of it and the end result will be that you don't care for tennis.

    This happens to so many people. Take a lesson first get some real tips first then go.

    Keep your wrist firm on impact with the ball and just try to hit the ball flat at first. Hit the ball at waist height.

  17. It's hard in the beginning because there's so many different aspects you have to learn like backhands, forehands, serving, topspin, learning to be mentally strong and staying cool in tough situations and it all seems so hard to endure. Then there's choosing the appropirate raquet for your style of play, the list goes on an on.Tennis also demands you be in absolute health and tip-top shape. But if you try it a couple of times and you really love it before you know it you'll want to go pro. The best thing you could ever do is get yourself a coach, somebody whose there to help you be a better player and also keep you in line. Tennis takes practice and dedication, allot of practice and dedication, it's the only way to get better, if you practice then you'll find it's not as hard as you think.

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