
I wanna shift but i don't know how to tell my mom?

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well, i'm a freshman in college

i took up nursing but i don't want to be a nurse

i actually want to be a doctor (a surgeon)

i took up nursing because ,where i live (philippines)

they always say that nurses are in demand abroad

i'm petitioned to migrate to the US (by my grandmother) relatives forced me to take up the course

now, i really wanna shift because in the news, i saw a feature that there are too much nurses in the philippines and the graduates find it hard to get jobs

and if they ever get a job...the pay is very low and you'll be overworked

i don't wanna do that!!!!!

last week, i asked my mom if i would still shift because we've talked about it before

before i applied, she actually said that she would've allowed me to choose whatever course i want but my grandmother told us that she would pay for my studies if i would take up nursing

BUT...yeah, look at me, i'm taking up nursing and my grandma isn't paying for anything

how can i make my mom allow me to shift courses?

i'm planning on shifting to dentistry

(5 years here...doesn't require a pre-med)

or if i'll be so blessed...i'll take up human bio as a pre-med

and i don't wanna live in the US!!!

(no offense, americans)

but i love it here




  1. If you don't want to live in the US anyway, and if you want to be a dentist instead of a nurse, just tell your mom that this is the truth. You love living where you live, and you are far more interested in dentistry than in nursing, anyway. It seems an extremely reasonable decision.

    But before you tell your mom, speak to someone at the university to find out what you need to do to make this change. Make sure you're qualified to make the change before you tell your mom.  

  2. i don't know how the rules are over there, but over here once you're 18, you're parents don't need to know. maybe get a job to pay your own school so you could do whatever you want.

  3. If you were moving to America after your degree, definitely stay in nursing, you may have to just take the license exam again to get an American license.There is a shortage here and nurses get paid an average of $35 an hour in most states and $50 an hour if you are a charge nurse. AND you don't have to worry about malpractice insurance and lawsuits. So your Grandma is pretty wise in her advice. Many of the companies and hospitals hiring nurses have sign on bonuses that are pretty substantial and some even help pay to relocate you. If you go to dental or medical school there and plan to go abroad with that degree you will be sadly disappointed, most places would only count you as a nurse or medical assistant without further schooling or a degree earned over here. If you are dead set, just tell your Mom and be honest. She should respect your wishes, if they have been thought through carefully and you can show her that it would be a good idea for you to switch.

  4. No offense to this American.  Sometimes I don't even want to live here.

    You are paying for your own education?  Well, then you don't need anyone's permission to change degree plans.  Even if someone IS paying, it's your life in the end.  They may be paying but seriously, if in the end that means you'll be leading an unhappy life then the money isn't worth it.  Believe me.  I had this same issue w/ my parents and nursing, actually.  I tried it and just didn't like it.  Switching majors was so hard b/c everyone kept telling me it was a bad idea.  But I went w/ my gut and decided to change and I'm so happy I did.

    It's worth it.  It's worth paying for what you want.  If you want dentistry and no one wants to pay for it, you pay for it yourself.  

  5. Just switch.

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