
I wanna start my own life... how can I do it?

by  |  earlier

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I have a job, I have a house to live in, but it's just a house. Yes, I know that my family is living here with me, but it does not feel like a home... I wanna live in my own place, wanna spend more time with the people I care about... but living here with them is putting things at... kind of... a hold.... I don't want to hurt my mom's feelings, or my brother's for that matter... but I cannot stand living here for too much longer...




  1. You should take a vacation. far away for a couple months. discover yourself. you need time to figure out what you want to do in life. your family will totally support you. they love you. you need to do this for yourself. enjoy a couple months away. relax.  

  2. Why would that hurt their feelings. Your mom knows that part of growing up is moving out and living on your own. I hope you know how to budget your money and make enough to support yourself. Good luck.

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