
I wanna start working out.... But...?

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I wanna start working out. I 13, and my doctor says I shouldn't start lifting weights till 15 or 16. But I can do crunches and such. So I wanna start maybe doing some other things. But I wanna know ur opinion if this is a good plan to follow..


Days of working out: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

50 sit crunches each day.

As many pull ups as I can do.

Take a 10 minute brake.

As many Chin ups as I can do.

Then I wanna hang upside down on the bar and do 50 sit ups hanging there.

i don't wanna be muscle man. I'm slim, and skinny. And comming with that means slim arms... Which I dont like. So I wanna add some muscle there. I just wanna be in shape. I also do Tae-Kwon Do on Wednesdays.

And suggestion ARE welcome. I don't want to stress myself. And I cant go to the gym. So. I need a nice simple, plan that I can follow, along with my homework.




  1. you know what the doctor said to me? i can only work out after io learn how to spell, use prepositions, and correct grammar...i think this should apply for you too

  2. If hes worried about it harming your growth, hes totally wrong. If its the bones or anything, lifting weights will make the bones even stronger. just lift the weights. (I started doinga slight bit when i was 14, and started serious workouts at 15) Now im 16, and healthy, still growing taller and stronger with a great body.

    If you want to build arms, i suggest doing Push-ups, if you cant do them, start out with legs on the floor. To work out your pecs aswell, spread your arms wider to do a wide-armed press-up. You will feel it there.

    Try some resistance training, or try doign exercise that requires your own body weight as the amount of weight which needs to be lifted, thats the best workout of all!

  3. You're doing TKD on Wednesday, skip this workout. There's no magic number for the exercises you do. Do enough that you're constantly challenged. I'll bet 50 is too much at first. Can you do 50, WHILE maintaining good form? 10 minutes is a long break. Drop the pull-ups in favor of push-ups, rest your upper body while you do the crunches, then go straight to the chin-ups. Mix stuff up. Crunches, bicycle crunches, sit-ups with punches at the top. Chin-ups one day, pull-ups the next. push-ups with arms close to side, usual position, in front of shoulders, put your feet on a bench or ball. Keep your body guessing.

    I'd go with

    20 push-ups

    50 crunches (assuming you can do 50 in a row with good form)

    ?? chin-ups (find out how many you can do that leaves you totally exhausted then back off by 2 or 3 then add one back each month or so as you get stronger.)

    you've already worked your upper abs so hang from the bar and do leg lifts to get the lower abs.

    Remember to stretch

  4. Well it seems like you got a good workout plan, although i dont think you should do the upside down thing, that wont help you much.

    An easier version to work your abs would be to hang from the bar, and lift your legs up without moving the rest of your body, great for lower abs.

    And the other flaw in your workout, no pushups or leg workouts!

    Pushups are a must for anybody who wants big arms, i suggest doing them in sets, such as 20 pushups or however many you can do for 5 sets.  Do this also for pullups and situps, do it in sets not all in one go.

    Try jumping up and down to improve your legs.

  5. I think keeping your metabolism high is a good thing, your doctor is right about the weight training (weight lifting is different and something I dont recommend).

    You could try some push-ups too and jogging. Make sure you thoroughly read about lifting weights when you come of age, as my peers (guys in their 20s) often do it incorrectly and hurt their bodies when working out.

    You are right that you can get a pretty good work-out without going to the gym. Yoga and ballet stretches will make you sweat and burn big time! Push-ups are good too. Make sure you know the proper way to crunch and do push-ups.

    DONT bring your head all the way to your knees when you crunch. For best results get a big exercise ball to lay your back on and do crunches on that (lift your head only about 15-30 degrees.

    As a rule don't do the same exercise the very next day. You need to give your body time to repair the muscle tissue you grind down. Everybody has the same amount of muscle but when you exercise you grind it down so it grows back stronger.

    So space out the exercises you do and I recommend not pushing your body just do what you want when you feel like it.

    Hope that helps.

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