
I wanna study, but I'm wasting my time everyday.?

by  |  earlier

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(My English's bad, so there may have some English mistakes...sorry about.)

(there're a lot of words, please be patient, thanks.)

I only got less than 5 month to study IELTS(An English test for university).

However, I always put the beginning of studying to tomorrow. What I plan to do is spending whole the time on stuying IELTS.

I did always study when I just came to Canada, but this summer, I'm in my country now. A month had gone, I only did a little study, there are a lot of things attract and affect me. I felt guilty and sorry to my parents. On the other hand, I'm not believing myself now, 'cause I did study a little this summer.

Im in computer games cafeteria.(a place for people to spend money to play computer games) This time I sould be in a summer school which teacher's there teaching IELTS. I just skip the class and plan to study IELTS with a good beginning(Aug 1st).

What should I do? How do I give a very big lesson to myself?

you could storm at me, please...




  1. What worked well for me was to emulate what I read in text books in grade school. I ended up getting in trouble because things I would write in essay questions sounded so much like what would come out of a book.

    Try reading Wikipedia stuff and building a better syntax off what you aquire. Also, check out and I could spend hours word jumping just to learn interesting new words and more specific meanings as well as uncommonly used meanings.

  2. Well you have to be more determined and that’s not possible when you do not have the will for it. But by you asking this question shows that you are determined to do it. So YOU CAN DO IT. Keep telling yourself all the time you can do it and you have to do it. Set yourself small goals, like finish 3 pages today, one chapter this week. Start slowly and once you get in to the habit you can take on more loads. I sometimes feel the same way specially during exams I know I have to study but I get distracted by so many things so I force myself to get out my room/house go to a library where everyone else is studying as well. So in such atmosphere you feel motivated. And its summer and there is so much going around that its hard to concentrate on studies. But do not deprive yourself of summer fun either. Just allocate some time to have fun and few hours to study. Wish you all the best!!!

  3. Maybe you have a reason that makes you not want to study, like are you scared it is difficult and that makes you put it off.  Or you are afraid you won't get it right.

    I think if you try to find out why you are stopping yourself from working it will be easier to make yourself work.

    I don't think you need a big lesson and to be stormed at, because you already regret it and are sorry to your parents.  You just need to admit if you are scared and that will make it easier on you.

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