
I wanna study as a dental assistant online and its a program did anyone of you finished this program online?

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is studying dental assistant hard ?

the school adviser told me that i will graduate from six to eight months and thats what Im hoping for but is it true that only up to six months?can some one answer my question please

i havent received the information kit yet but i still wanna make sure from any one hear that studied so please can you answer my question?

Thank you




  1. I have no idea about on line courses for dental assisting. To become a good assistant, you must have hands on training. You will get book knowledge, but actually getting your hands on the materials and into a person's mouth is the best way to learn.

  2. where are you studying online? i would like to know too.. i'm looking for a better career!!  

  3. I'm in a program currently that should last around six months or so. I would have to agree with alphab1963 though. I've been in my class a week and already learned more in one clinical lab day than we did all week in the book.

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