
I wanna study vampires?

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Okay please take this question seriously if anyone has watched queen of the damned. Ever since the darn movie I've been obsessed with vampires they intrigue me and I want to learn everything about them (call me a freak). In that movie there's a girl who studies vampires in some institute, it looked like her job and I was wondering if that can be a real job or if there's a real institute somewhere where I can par take in but i don't expect to be paid in either but it would be nice.




  1. No, it's not a real job because there are no real vampires. That's why the book is sold in the fiction section of the book store.  

  2. if it exists (the stories & myths, not the vamps themselves) then there is A job to study it (note: I said A job, not jobs) .

    1: You will need to go to college longer than most doctors do.

    2: Then you need to kill the ONE other guy who has that ONE particular job.

    3: Then you need to compete with the 5 other people with no lives for the same job.

    4: Then you will need to learn to live with a wager less than what the janitor makes.

    sorry man, but it is the truth. the cold, hard, unforgiving truth.......

  3. ye need to git a life mate. galut

  4. Hmmmm, that would be a fun job, or dangerous. Now vampires are not exactly what they seem to be like in the movie. And if you think about it, no one would really know about that job; it would be pretty funny if it were advertised..cause vampires are pretty secretive from what i have heard....But i have heard about college courses on vampires. But i am not an authority..

    just for some information on them, cause it good to be knowlegable any way:

    vampiric studies or google chatherene nightpoe

  5. For the record, im kindof a freak too ;) Vampires have always fascinated me and part of me wishes that i could find one.

    As far as humans know, there is no such thing as vampires. the myth about vampires derives from a Goth by the name of Vlad Tepes. Eventually becoming "Count Dracula", or the first vampire. Vlad had something going on with him that made him want to drink blood. At first Doctors, (such as they were at that time period) diagnosed it as a psychological disorder, but over time, his body became dependent on the blood. He ended up filing his teeth so that he could easily puncture skin. Tepes hunted at night so that it would be easier to hunt (hence vampires being hurt by sunlight), but he was eventually caught and hung; however, the rope snapped on the drop and somebody said something about it being witchcraft, work of the devil. (If you have ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, there is a scene about convincing everyone that this girl is a witch. the reasoning they use in this movie is hilarious, but sadly accurate to Vlads story) Townspeople started carrying crosses to protect themselves (hence the cross to repel vampires). After a while, they figured out that maybe if the guy didn't have a heart, then he COULDN"T defy death. The villagers trapped Vlad in a pit of mud using their form of mace, crushed garlic and onions, (hence the garlic) he was sentenced to death, again. Instead of hanging him, they would stab a spike through his heart, therefor killing him. He was stabbed in the heart with a metal spike. he fell over and bled. (we know now that people can live for several minutes while their bodies loose blood and go into shock and die) he tried to get up and a townsman grabbed a stick, (apparently sharpened) and stabbed him again, this time, he died. they figured (excellent reasoning skills again) that it must have been the wood instead of the metal that killed him (hence the wooden stake)

    Today, there is no hard evidence to the truth of any of the story or that he was not truly a "Vampire" Some believe they still exist in hiding. Otthers belive that people today are actually cultists (for lack of better word) and only drink blood in memory, or reverence, or whatever to Vlad Tepes. on top of those, there is a theory that whatever disease or psychological problem Tepes had, was a real condition and that today there are those who have it as well.

    As for the job, i dont know about any institute, unless its like a government, secret cover up deal or something of the like. however, i think there is a job somewhere that consists of studying unnormal creatures, (vampires, werewolves, big foot, etc.) but as for where that job would be at, i have no idea.

    Hope this helps you!

    God Bless,


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