
I wanna swim-girls only!?

by Guest45184  |  earlier

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but i have my period, i dont wear tampons, i got it a long time ago, but i got it yesterday, its not heavy anymore and i know i cant swim without a tampon but i dont wear them, im crying right now beacause i really wanna swim so bad, but can i evem do anything?





    GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

    There are homeless, starving people, humans dying every day due to diseases that there is no cure for, people dying every day due to violence, people losing their jobs they have had for frigion several years and have no idea how they will support their families, abuse of everything imaginable done to humans and animals...including unborn babies due to selfish sorry women using abortion as birth control.....and you are crying over you can't go swimming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You wouldn't last 2 minutes growing up the very sickening way I had to grow up, and in my adulthood as well........going from working 15-17 hour days and in a split second.......shattering both bones and my ankle and laid up in the hospital several months, then being in a wheelchair for 2 years....and d**n lucky I didn't kill myself.  Because my son would have NO ONE to raise him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not to mention, my son has a genetic disease that causes brittle bones (Osteogenesis Imperfecta) and all it takes is a bump and something is broke.  Having so many breaks we lost count!!!!!!!!!!  Nearly being killed at his school in 8th grade, then almost being killed in a serious car wreck thanks to a B*&%^ running a red light speeding!!!!!!!!!!!  Plus.........knowing there are kids in the world that sadly has it even worse than him and we have to always remind ourselves of that no matter how bad things are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

    GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


    Don't you even think about uttering my nic again!!!!!!!!!!!!  EVERY POINT I BROUGHT UP IS VALID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...  If you don't realize it, then shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. okay dont worry! if your flow isnt heavy right now and youre going to swim in your own pool, then hey dont wear one. but i would encourage you to practice putting them in because sooner or later youre going to have to wear them.

  3. ok dont worry everything will be okay but uhmm the same thing happened to me when i was younger and i didnt want to wear them but then a girl @ one of my practices got hers for the first time and had to put one in so i said ohkay if this girl can do it @ her first time i can do it a couple times a month and i did it and now i can swim when ever i want. i strongly encourage allllllllllll swimmers to wear them they dont hurt at all  just read the directions ( thats what i did ) and it worked purfectly and yeahhhh i turned all my friends onto them and ik this sounds like a tampon commercial haha but its not i swear just like sseriously it will be fineeeee!

  4. u have to wear them

  5. yeah u can swin...cause when u r in water the blood flaw will stop

  6. Tampons are really not that bad...Give them a try before you cancel out that option completely. Other than that that really isn't any other option because you really shouldn't go swimming w/ out them since it's really unhygienic for everyone else in the pool and can be embarrassing for you. If the swimming is required and you refuse to use tampons then have your parents right a note.

  7. It's ok, but don't listen to Me K. If you are going in to a your own swimming pool then don't wear one, but if you are in a puplic pool then you should wear one, like uummm?? said, and I know tampons hurt really bad, but you should practice putting them in, then they won't hurt so bad.

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