
I wanna throw away a couch?

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Okay,, so we tried salvation army. and we tried goodwill. and we dont know what the heck is going on with

how do i get rid of this couch without throwing it away in some landfill.

salvation army wanted us to clean it first (this couch reFUSES to look nice and clean)

goodwill doesnt pick up in carson anymore

????please help me????




  1. sell it at a garage sale for money or for free

  2. If none of the answers you have received, you may have to resort to calling a trash hauler. You'll pay a fee and sorry to say it ends up in a landfill.

  3. I hate to say this, but sometimes, free ain't enough!  If Salvation Army wanted you to clean it first, then you have a dirty couch, or one that looks just like a dirty couch.  Our Salvation Army has stuff in their store that should have gone to the landfill and has no business being in a respectable place, BUT we are in Tennessee, where nothing is thrown away (unless you count the pigs that throw their trash out their car windows while driving around in Bristol and NEVER get a ticket for littering!).  A couch on the side of the road here will likely get picked up, even if its dirty (someone has a dog who wants to sleep on it or something!).  But sometimes, even the pigs don't want the thing.  Give it up, set it to the curb BEFORE trash day with a sign, FREE!  TAKE ME HOME!, if no one takes you up on it, hope the trash man does his thing and disposes of your problem couch.  When its gotta go, its gotta go.  I love being green, but we can't always get others to embrace our trash.  Sorry!  Good luck!

  4. Did you try putting it in your front yard on a sunny (not raining) day with a sign "FREE!" that usually works. If not, keep trying freecycle. Make your Post sound urgent. Make the couch sound good, don't make it sound like it's been through h**l if it hasn't!

  5. Put it on craigslist. Unless it's so bad it needs to be burned it will be picked up the first day you post it.

  6. Run an ad in the paper or swap magazine for a FREE couch to new owner.

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