
I wanna try out for my school softball team? and I wanna try out but I haven't played in a while, should I try

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and I wanna try out but I haven't played in a while, should I try out anyway I really wanna play!




  1. yes you should cause it is really fun. I have played for a really long time and I would still try out, but if you can then get some practice in ahead of time.

  2. Of course you haven't played for a while, its March! I say go for, I wish my school had a softball team! Start working out or practicing when you can (weather permiting) and go with the flow. Good luck!

  3. you should allways try, and even if you decide you don't like it  and quit and want to quit, that option is allways available.  you'll just have to practice to catch up with the other players!

  4. YES!!! usually the first tryout/meet is practice anyway...

  5. I think you should try out. If u have been playing for a while then u should try out. If you dont make it then there's always next year........right? Well for me there is. because thats what i as thinking befor volleyball tryouts. Im doin soccer tryouts in a couple weeks and im nervous. i havnt played in a while but im still trying out because i love the sport and i want to do it. So take my advice and tryout!

  6. Well it depends on how good the other girls are. Like if they are really good and you havent played in a while it depends on how long you havent played. But if the other girls are really good dont get opset if you get rejected. But if youreally want to play go to the gym after school and bring a couple of friends with and play catch and practice you batting or if you want to be a pitcher practice your wind up. I want to be a pitcher and all the time even in the halls every whear i practice my mind up.

  7. as long as u can catch, throw, and bat,(piching is a plus) then u can get in just give it all u got and MAKE SURE U HAVE THE COACHES NOTICE U!!!

  8. practice with your friends, and if you want it enough and that spirit shows through, you are sure to get on the team. 1 question tho, y is this in volleyball catagory?

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