
I want 2 go vegitarian but i don't know how 2 tell my mom. How can I tell her?

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I want 2 go vegitarian but i don't know how 2 tell my mom. How can I tell her?




  1. "I am making a personal decision to become a vegetarian."

    She will either respect that, or not.

  2. "mom, I want to become a vegeterian. I want to be healthier. look I know it sounds strange, but it's my life. please respect my decision"

    good luck, kid.

  3. all i said was mom im not eating meat anymore.

    that was all there was to it, and i didnt really care what she said. she said it was a phase (my cousin did the same thing.. for week. :l) but now she says she doesnt really mind anymore and she buys  me meat substitutes and everything.

  4. "Mom. I have a decision I have to make, and I think it's for the best. I don't think it's right to eat animals. I'm going Vegetarian."

  5. I have no idea what your mother is like but  i'm sure she is a reasonable person. The best way to tell her would be to that you  want to become a vegetarian. If she asks why  then tell her your  reasoning behind it and hopefully she will understand.

  6. say "mom, im going to be a vegitarian. deal with it"

  7. say mom i have always loved animals today i want to take that a step further and become a vegiterian because i believe in the sanctety in all life

    ps. i am not asking for you approval i just thought you might want to know

    say that or any others

    good job new vegiterian

  8. Depends.  Is you mom totally against something like this?

    My best idea is to educate yourself first on things like how you will get the proper nutrients, how vegetarianism or veganism will help your health, and perhaps even examples of people who participate in this lifestyle.  

    Once you know for sure that you can do this, and know details about it, you can share details with your mom and help educate her on these things, and if you speak as though you've got it all figured out, and you are confident in your explanations, I can't see how she'd have a problem with it.  But then again, I don't know your mom.

  9. tell her that with much thought it's something you've decided is best for you.

    she may be concerned about protein, or what to make you, so be prepared.

    I respect that you're staying true to your convictions!!!

  10. just tell her what u told us....

    tell her that ull make sure to eat plenty of protein and vitamins so u can be healthy

    print out the benifits of being vegetarian..... then she'll have more reason to support u

    also, its not like u need separate meals!!!

    order pizza, no pepperoni

    spaghetti, no meatballs

    and if shes making something that u have to have meat with, make ur own meal, like a grilled cheese sandwich or something

    good luck :)

  11. Just tell her that you would like to quit eating meat for whatever reason.  Then tell her that you would be willing to help out with making the meals for you and your family.  She probably isn't going to want to cook two seperate meals.

  12. I became vegetarian a few months ago, I'm 13 and she cooks for me, and I haven't told her yet.

    But I'm not sure why you'd need to. If I tell my mom I'm vegetarian, she would probably laugh at me like she laughs at everyone else who does things a little different.

    sooo...if you have a good mom just come out with it. It probably won't be hard.

    edit: However, I have told her that I don't LIKE meat that much anymore. She doesn't understand but that kind of works.

  13. Just tell her, after all she is your mom, but you should not expect her to change your family lifestyle (IE buy special groceries, prepare special meals), just for you.  If you cannot afford, or can't do this on your own, then you should wait until you can.

  14. when i was younger and wanted to do things my mother didn't completely agree with she would make me write an essay about it.  I think  that was a great idea on her part . At that age I thought she was just being crazy , but it forced me to research and make informed decisions about things.

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