
I want 2 know anything and everything about figure skating?

by Guest60087  |  earlier

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I want 2 know anything and everything about figure skating?




  1. I don't think there is any one person in this world who knows EVERYTHING about figure skating. however, if that is your goal, you need to do 2 things:

    1. Research. there are a number of figure skating sites out there on the Internet (example also a lot of books have been written on the subject, so check your local library. general information sites such as Wikipedia or are generally good, too. be prepared to deal with a lot of very similar information from different sources.

    2. Skate! there is no better way to learn about the sport of figure skating than to get out there on the ice. you might want to take lessons, if you don't already. check out what your local rink has to offer.

    hope this helps and good luck with achieving your goal!

  2. This is a tough question to answer; actually, an impossible question to answer, but here is a start:  Figure skating is a sport that requires a unique type of skate, with a toepick on the end.  There are specific jumps and spins at certain levels and degrees.  Most competitive figure skaters have a coach to helps them and they must stretch all the time.  They practice jumps and spin positions all the time.  There are two programs to get you into skating.  ISI (Ice Skating Institute) is where intermediate and beginner skaters train.  ISI instructs up through the double axel and does not teach any triples, but teaches all the spins and footwork.  USFSA (United States Figure Skating Assosiation)  is where Olympians train.  Both programs are good.

  3. You can't know anything and everything unless you do it yourself for 20, 30 years!

  4. only coaches know everything about skating ;)

  5. Everything? Wikipedia duh :P

  6. Here is a bunch of links you can go visit to learn more about figure skating.

    U.S.  Figure Skating

    Ice Skating Institute (recreational skating)

    Tons of skating info.  

    How Ice Rinks work

    Figure skating message board.

    Skate store and accessories

    Here's a start for  you. If you need something else let me know.

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