
I want 2 move 2 Dublin 2 teach primary school but have heard that u have 2 b able 2 teach gaelic. Is this true

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Thank you to all those people that answered my question. They was great and very helpful. To the other people who have too much time on their hands as you may or may not know Yahoo only gives you a certain amount of characters to write your question in so i had to abbreviate in order to ask my full question but i appreciate your concern!




  1. Firstly it is called either Irish or Gaeilge not Gaelic (Gaelic id Irish football). Yes you need IRISH to teach in national schools, you don't need it for secondary schools though.

  2. Yes, You would have to be nearly fluent in irish

  3. I believe you can teach in some private schools without knowing Irish.

    And you can teach in a second level school without Irish.

  4. No, but you must be able to spell words such as "to" & "you" !!!!

  5. yep, you have to have a B in leaving cert honours Gaeilge or would really need to ring whatever school you were thinking of though and find out.

    I think it may be a requirement in all schools as ever child is forced to learn Irish and I'd imagine it would be awkward for them to organise for an Irish teacher to come in everyday.

    best of luck

  6. Yes you do, all primary school in Ireland teach Irish bar special needs schools. you will need quite a high standard to pass the required Irish exam (written and oral)

  7. Yes, you have to pass an exam showing your competence in Irish.  If you don't speak it, you are allowed 5 years to learn it while teaching in a school that doesn't have Irish on the curriculum (e.g. a special needs school).  You have to do an Irish language course for these 5 years.  After this you have to pass your exam and then you can teach in a mainstream school.

    From the Irish National Teachers' Organisation website:

  8. I hope your ability to teach is better than your spelling. Also it's Irish or Gaelige NOT Gaelic. Maybe you should research the requirements.

  9. Yes you do have to be able to teach Irish. That is one reason we spend years learning the language at school.  Only Irish people can teach Irish primary school children, hence why are education is far better then in other countries.

  10. Yes, has to be over a B in Leaving Cert Honours Irish. It's quite a hard language though.

  11. well, seeing as every primary school irish student must be taught Irish, yes. and you need honours irish.

  12. I do not know if this is true or not, but you do need to research it thoroughly before making that kind of leap/commitment.  Call schools in the area, make sure you have the proper teaching credentials their area requires.  You may have to take classes there before you could teach.

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