
I want 2 start a revolution? How do I get the people of Briton to stand with me?

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Not sure of how to go about it? I know that many Brits are sick and tired with the cost of living, I feel that we are being totally ripped off, the cost of our water rates an council tax is absolutly ridiculous. In New zealand you do not have to pay for water. We should not be charged for somthing that is a nessecity for life. We really all need to get in on this I know i'm not alone on this one.




  1. Try forming a 'Random' party, where the candidates for each office are chosen from random amoungst the age/ect qualified population.

    If chosen to run for the Random party and the subject accepts the nomination the people can vote the Random ticket.

  2. 1. Round up all the explosives you can.

    2. Pack them in under Parliament, and wait for the opening session.

    No, wait -- that's been tried. <g>


  3. Give out free stuff.  Everybody loves free stuff.  Then when they ask for more free stuff, tell em they only get more free stuff when they've successfully overthrown the oppressive government.  Works every time.

  4. Firstly - please get a copy of 'Eats Shoots and Leaves' and correct your spelling and grammar.  Its available at Waterstones and other fine book retailers.  Sorry I don't mean to be a smart ar*e but you might want to look into this.

    When that is done you might want to look into why council tax is charged.  It was brought in by Thatcher and increases each year in every council and local authority in the UK.   Councils collect this to help pay for local services such as: fire and police services, recycling services, subsidising of transport services and housing and council tax benefits. In other countries (such as Canada) this is seen as a property tax that is paid by property owners. But in the UK almost everyone who is a resident of a property pays the CT at different rates based on property values (even if they don't own the property where they live.)  This is especially hard for some seniors who don't see their OAPs increase at such a high rate.  In the past few years there were 2 British seniors who went to jail for not paying their CT.  Often at election time there are a lot of politicians who make campaign promises to eliminate the CT but so far they haven't been successful.

    Water is plentiful in the UK.  However there are people who waste it - perhaps this is why water rates are on the rise.  Yes it is a necessity of life but some people don't care about how much they use.  

    Anyways good luck in starting the revolution.  Many Brits feel the same way as you do I'm sure !

  5. You want to start a revolution over water? no need to. just wait a few years, it could become a worldwide issue. It is in the list of Millenium Development Goals:

    "Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water"

    I know by experience that poor people in rich countries (Latin America is rich, only do not know how to create wealth) who are born, grow and die and never get to see water coming out of a shower.

    In the meantime, move to New Zealand. You do not need to live other people revolution, and other people do not need to live your revolution.

  6. become an mp. when elected you persuade,through debate , your beliefs and people who believe in you will form a political party and canvass,democratically,on your behalf, good luck

  7. The water situation always amazes me as an American that lives in both America and the UK.

    I am not talking about having to pay for it as I am use to having to pay for it from living in America, But how the officals in the UK talk about water shortages and hose pipe bans and how they have to charge for it becuase of the cost yet it is estimates that 35% of the UK's water supply is lost  through leaks in the pipe that are between the water stations & the houses due to fualty pipes.

    They could reduce the cost and the need for hose pipe bans if they would just fix what is broken and stop wasting natural resources.

    ADDITION: Although paying for water seems a bit silly since it is a thing everyone must have to survive, That also kind of makes a point for paying for water. When people don't have to pay for something they tend to abuse the use of it. People leave water running they take extra long showers, wash their cars when it is not needed. If they are charged for the amount they use then they are less likley to waste it. There can be programs to help those under a certian income, but paying for it is not all bad when you consider how important water management is.

    Thatbeing said is is unreal that the UK's goverment is OK with wasting water through bad delivery systems.

    Below is an interesting article you might want to read about how much water is lost per day and what it cost to retreat the water when it is drawn back out of the ground again

  8. Viva la resistance.

  9. The British public, like most other developed nations, is generally too selfish to carry out a revolution. The last one was 300+ years ago and they f***** that one up too.

    My uncle was in the poll tax riots and went to prison for not paying (this was later quashed) and now he pays more money in council tax than ever before.

    As for water, what the other folks have written is true. People just waste it.

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