
I want 2 take a trip next year with my family but i cant choose which1 to go 2 JAPAN or Ireland?

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We have a lot of lil kids so which would be best to entertain them ???




  1. Since they are little I would say they wouls enjoy running thru the open, green, and amazingly beautiful fields of Ireland.

  2. If you have alot of little kids, then I would go to ireland.  The flight to Japan is a very long one and travelling with children would be hard.

  3. Like every other country out there, Japan has its 'good' points and 'bad' points. (I put the inverted commas because really, they aren't bad points, but rather things I don't like or aren't used to !)

    On the whole though, I just love Japan. The whole country has been wonderful to me over the years, and I have had so many precious experiences here. There have also been some trying ones, but I've learned that that is life wherever you go.

    To me, it's the people that make or break any place, and that's certainly true here. As other posters have said, the Japanese people are very accommodating, sometimes to a degree which will make you uncomfortable ! Unfailingly polite, generous with help & advice, beautiful women, the list goes on and on ! Then there is the physical environment as well - apart from the castles & traditional Japanese sights, there are also some places of breath-taking natural beauty. You've also got an amazing wealth of food... but for mine the clincher is the Onsens !

    Onsens are natural Hot Springs, sometimes scaldingly hot, sometimes outdoors, sometimes mixed bathing , but always wonderful. Though at first you might be hesitant about getting naked in front of a bunch of strangers, if you're like most foreigners, you'll soon be converted. Among the foreigners I know (hundreds!) they are overwhelmingly of the opinion that the single thing in Japanese culture or Japan that they most love is the Onsen !

  4. you must send your childrens to ireland and you must go to Japan

  5. I think you must go to japan as it is a nice country. With many nice technologies. I think you must not lost the chance of visiting JAPAN. "HAPPY JOURNEY........"

  6. I'd guess Ireland, but either one sounds great.  Can I come, too?

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