
I want 30 guinea pigs is it cazy???

by Guest63981  |  earlier

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i have the money the time and the space would i be cazy to get 30 guinea pigs. i luv them so much i currently have 2 adualts and 2 new borns .would it be cazy to get 26 more??????




  1. Not to mention the huge amount of space that you would need. I seriously doubt that you have anywhere NEAR enough space, especially since you're obviously very young (judging by the lack of puncuation, misspelling, and chat-speak.. not criticizing, that's just how kids type)

    To properly house and feed my 2 pigs, I spend a minimum of $45 a month. $45 multiplied by 30, that's $1350 a  month. Not to mention the vast amount of vet bills you would have.

    Try volunteering until you are mature enough to have realistic goals.

  2. well if you take care of all of them and give each one its own cage. then go for it!!! it will be a lot of money tho for cages, the pets themsevles, food, and toys.

  3. are you CRAZY!!!!!!!!!

    if you get 26 more piggies theywould breed like crazy!!!!and if you buy them from a petstore then there would be more unwanted animals.

    if you adopt them from the shelter it may be better. and you would have to clean the cage every day.  if you dont cange the cage everyday, someone could call animal control on you then you would go to jail!!!!!!!!!!

    you dont need 26 more piggies. if you do make that crazy decision, adopt the piggies from

    depending on the sexes of the newborn piggies, they could just breed until you have like 10 piggies, seperate them, then after that let them breed a little more and then keep adding slowly until you have as many as you want, then seperate then and dont let them breed after the sows are over 1 year old because their pubic bones grow together. just try not to let them breed tooo much or they will die!!!

    good luck with this crazy decision of trying to own 30 piggies!

  4. wow that's a lot, lol but if you got the time, space and love them that much i think you'll be a great owner! go for it!

  5. Did you know there are guinea pig shows? cat and dog shows only different..Guinea Pigs are called Cavies, and they show with rabbits at ARBA sanctioned shows if Cavies are sanctioned with the show as well, there is a listing of Cavy breeders at the website, as well as show information. I don't think you are crazy if you own them to show them, breed them yourself, and a have an interest in bettering the breeds, but you have to consider I own 160 rabbits, so if that seems crazy to you, you're not the only one!

    I hope you are a responsible breeder and learn as much as you can about them, each breed of guinea pig is has a breed standard, and they are judged based on that standard. Check out that website you'll be amazed.

  6. Umm yes... but you know what isn't crazy to want?  30 ferrets!  Haha but seriously... consider getting a ferret... they are waaay more fun and loving and loyal!  They don't smell if you take care of them right, which I'm sure you will, and they are sooo cute!  I have 4 of them and I love them so much.  They even do tricks!  I would def consider getting some ferrets instead of more guinea pigs.  I feel like guinea pigs are boring and don't do anything!  Ferrets will keep you entertained for hours!

  7. As B-Rabbit pointed out, there are Cavy shows.  Check out this website and go to a couple of shows in your area.  If you get involved in showing and breeding you'll have 30 before you know it.  As long as you have adequate cage space and keep up with the cleaning, feeding and watering, you'll have no trouble taking care of 30.  Most show breeders have many more!

    Dana H:  You obviously know nothing at all about cavy shows.  They are not cruel and the cavies are not scared.  If they were scared they couldn't be judged.  Try posting factual information rather than AR rhetoric.

  8. Yes, you will spend 24/7 just cleaning their cages and not having time to feed them or play with them. Having one requires daily cleaning so 30 requires 30 times as much cleaning. Also, you would need a LOT of space for this amount of guinea pigs. You would be looking at OVER 100 square feet or around at least 32 feet of width or length alone. I doubt you have that kind of room lying around. If you want to breed them then you could make a living at it if there is a market for it in your area or if petstores will buy your pigs. This brings on new problems like making sure they are treated right and no hereditary problems develop.

  9. Not so much crazy, but idealistic.

    I love guinea pigs too! But with a herd of 23, I can tell you firsthand, they are a lot of work and cost a *lot* of money to PROPERLY feed and house. They are also very expensive to take to the vet, since they are considered "exotics". Take that into consideration! What if half your herd came down with URI? Would you be able to afford the vet visits and medication to get them well? If you've got a train load of money in the bank, then great--no worries. But if you don't or you're relying on your parents to pay for the food, bedding, and medical bills....ummmm...I'd consult with them first before you start loading up on piggies.

    All but one of my pigs have been shelter rescues, breeder dumps, or abandoned by their owners. I take them in as they cross my path. They are not for sale. They will live their lives out here with me and my family. I am committed to caring for them NO MATTER WHAT. Can you say "I will care for theses piggies as long as they live, NO MATTER WHAT?" and mean it? Its a very big responsibility!

    Try talking to a local rescue about fostering some piggies for them. That way you'll get a good taste of what its like to take care of many piggies at the same time before actually committing to owning them for the next 5-7 years. It sounds like you'd make a caring and enthusiastic foster mum!

    Good luck!

  10. Ya think?!! It would be extremely costly to keep that many.  Just a hunch but I don't think you are serious.

  11. yes its too many get like 10 trust me youll be just as happy and way less overwhelmed i know they r ah-dorable tho

  12. You are being very unrealistic and I hope you have about 100,000 for vet bills. Pigs do get sick and need more then a pat on the head.

  13. Wow, that would be alot of guinea pigs to take care of, but if you feel you could give them all the love & have the money & space for them, then I say go for it!!!

    You might want to consider adopting some piggies from rescues & shelters rather than supporting a breed or pet shop.

    You may even want to consider starting a guinea pig sanctuary, where you can take in guinea pigs people no longer want & give them a safe loving home until their time comes to cross the rainbow bridge.


  14. Uhhh yeah. You may think you can take care of them now, but when you finally have all of them, don't complain when the friggin ASPCA shows up at your door because you couldn't take care of them.

  15. lmao  YES! i have 5 XD! THEY ROCKS BUT THEY SMELL.. oh god the smell... AND THEY p**p ALOT!

  16. no i have 10009356272772635546

    haha im supposing this is a joke so i answered with a joke but if its real sure why not oh yeah its stupid but i guess they would enjoy the company the most ive had at once was three but all together ive had 4

  17. To the posters who said they smell, you need to get bigger cages and clean them more often. They will not smell then.

    This is what you need to ask yourself.

    1. Is it fair to all the pigs? Do you really have time to take each one out for alone time and play time?

    2. Do I really have the space? Guinea pigs need a lot of space to be happy and healthy. Here are guidlines for space:

    3. How much will it cost per week? For bedding? For unlimited hay? For Pellets? For veggies?

    4. What will happen if they get sick? Do I have the funds to spend $200, $400, or $1000 to care for this pig in an emergency? What if more than one gets sick at a time?

    5. If my pigs are diagnosed with a heart condition, or URI, or UTI, I prepared to give daily medications? What if all your pigs are sick at once?

    We have 13 with 3 people caring for them. Out of those 13, only 3 are not on some medication. Most of them are 5 yrs or older. Some of them are on 3-4 meds a day. Cages are being cleaned almost daily. It's a lot of work.

    Really think about this. If you decide to go through with it, rescue or adopt...don't breed or buy. There are too many homeless pigs out there. Don't get involved with shows. It is cruel. The pigs are scared. The only one who gets anything out of it is the person doing the showing.

  18. yeh i wouldnt get 30 g pigs. that would be alott of money and everything. u would have to feed EVERY g pig its OWN food. and i just wouldnt

  19. I have 45 guineea pigs i had 80, i sold them to a pet shop and im going to sell more, you see. Its really hard having more and more animals like guinea pigs, i couldnt even change their cage when they got up tp 15 i had to change them twice a day, and that sucked, if they are inside you are screwed because you need like 10 cages to make them ahppy, 3 per cage.. and you ARE going to get tired of them when they start getting more, and they need refilll of food 14 times a day almost,  and some of them are going tod ie because they are too many, and some will die after birth,  so i would not recommend getting more than approximateley 5, i am going to sell 40 of the 45 i have left, since the reason i had 80 was because i bought 10 and theygot bigger and bigger, so anyways, hope you seettle it.. but something you can do is to make them get more and more and then sell alot to earn money for the other guineas, but then, its harder to give them away .. you could start your own guinea pig farm that way you can even earn big money taing care of other animals other dont want, while you give love to them all, that way you can have as many you want :)

  20. CRAZY! But If I had the money I would buy that much. I love them. I have a white floppy-eared one name Marshmallow. GO FOR IT!

  21. YES! I have 2 piggies and they are a handful... it is not easy to clean those giant cages... besides... how can you possibly have room for 30 guinea pigs.. especially if you are giving them properly sized cages...

  22. Well that is alittle crazy but as long as you can take care of them all then i guess that's fine..  Just buy a lot of febreeze!

  23. I would do it slowly and not get the other 26 at one time. This will give you time to get to know the new pets and also decide whether or not you want to move on and get more guinea pigs.

  24. Yes, but if you really want to you can, I guess. But you probably will need a very big cage!

  25. you would need several cages and it would be A LOT of work.  It's hard work just keeping up with the 10 or so I have.  I wouldn't recommend that many.  I wouldn't get any more than 5 more.  Get a couple more, see how it goes and if you can handle it get a couple more.  just slowly get more to make sure you can handle what you've get instead of being stuck with 30 you cant handle.

  26. yes it would be but if you want them i have 2 you can have

  27. Guinea pigs are herd animals so they could live in a colony of thirty (same s*x or neutered so they don't breed).  They would all need to be introduced carefully on neautral territory and it would be easier with females than males.  

    You would need ALOT of space as they need two square feet each so do you have sixty square feet to house them in?  A very large shed or a bard that is well insulated is the only way I can think of.  Also there would be ALOT of mess to clean up.  

    Personally if I wanted a group (I would like a small group but only have room for my pair) I would keep it small, maybe eight.  Remember it could be alot of vet bills if anything goes wrong!

  28. No it wont be crazy,but youll have to take care of all of them and clean up after them.I dont think youll want to do that all day.

  29. Yes, but the smell would be unbearable, but they're soooo tasty, it'd be worth it.

  30. yeah it would be crazy. there too smelly. but hey do whatever you want.

    ...i want 3 more ferrets and i only have 1. :]

  31. it wud be crazy but its possible...but ithink dats a nad idea unless u are willing to buy food 10 different  wheels and houses. buying grass and more food..dont waste ur money on that......unless u really want to...its ur choice but i dnt think u shud too much work and the smell is horrible....juss leave da 2 adults and new bborns...they wil have babies again...rtrust me i knoe

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