
I want HIM to make a move so that he'll KISS ME! :D?

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Well tomorrow i'm going on a date with this guy ...

My questions are :

How do I make him kiss me?

What body language is more suggestive?

These questions are cringe worthy I know but when it comes to kissing boys I can never make a move, So can you help me all info is appreciated ...

Thank you :D




  1. Hi, There are three things you must do if you want boys to kiss you: dress right, smile and act friendly, and flirt. If you do these things, he'll feel an unconscious desire to kiss you! In most societies around the world, it's traditionally up to the guy to initiate a couple's first kiss. If you're a girl, this takes a lot of pressure off you, but sometimes it can be frustrating if you want to be kissed but your guy is a little too shy to try to kiss you. Here's how to hint that you would like to be kissed.

    Look Approachable. If you put him at ease and let him know you enjoy being with him, he'll usually find the courage to try to kiss you.

    Break the "touch barrier." Touch him lightly on the arm or shoulder when you're talking. Just make it a quick, innocent touch and don't make a big deal out of it. Holding hands is also a good way to break the touch barrier. The simple act of touching can strengthen the intimacy between you and him. Sometimes a guy will break the touch barrier, and if you're comfortable with him doing so, touch him back. But don't wait for a guy to make the first move here, because girls can generally get away with breaking the touch barrier earlier in a relationship than guys can. Also another good way of breaking the touch barrier is to "compare hand sizes" then smile and lace your fingers for a moment. This is a cute way to "break the barrier.

    Look at his lips. When you're alone with a guy and want to be kissed, make eye contact and then move your gaze briefly down to his lips. Then move your eyes back up to meet his and smile demurely. You don't have to be really obvious about it. Many guys will take the hint, especially if they've read one of the many articles that lists this as a sign that a girl wants to be kissed. If it doesn't work the first time, try again when the time is right.

    Move in. You have to be close to each other to kiss, and the less distance a guy has to travel to kiss you, the easier it is for him to give it a try. So get close. When the moment seems right, put your face close to his and look at him expectantly. If you're brave, you could try moving in as though you're going to kiss him. Hopefully he'll take the hint and kiss you, but if he doesn't you can give him a playful little kiss on the cheek.

    Talk about it. If the guy isn't taking your subtle hints, bring up kissing in conversation. For example, if you're watching a movie together and see an on-screen kiss, mention that it's "so romantic" or something to that effect. If the guy is really shy, you might just want to put it on the line and tell him that you'd like him to kiss you.

    Kiss him. There's no law that says the guy has to initiate the kiss, and some guys--especially if they've never kissed a girl before--just won't take your hints. If you want to kiss him, just go ahead and do it.

    Hope I helped!!

    Good Luck!!

  2. You do it.  I had to with 2 different guys.  That will be enough of a signal that you want them to kiss you

  3. just wait until he is ready or u could just make the move

    maybe he thinks that if he kisses you

    you wont like and stuff

    good luck

    and go for it

  4. hey heyy i have the same problem but mine is with getting more than just a peck....but as far as body langue try lookin at his lips and eyes a lot, unless he is a dipsh*t he will get it try brushing against him a lot and "acidentaly brush your hand across his lips, guys are attracted to cinnamon and lavender so try big red gum or something. try to stay on his left side its more receptive....oh and guys would rather have you sit next to them rather than across dont ask why... but try to show a lot of respect to him though compliment him on things but dont be too forward

  5. He'll do it when he's ready, don't pressure him.

  6. depends on where u go

    but when ur sitting touch his arm or leg

    and look him in the eyes

    and he might kiss you

    but the time has to be right or else its just weird

    and just be really flirty and hold his hand and stuff

    maybe give him a kiss on the cheek or something

    that way h**l know that kissing is okay with u.

    hope i helped

    good luck and have fun!

  7. When he tells a funny joke or something, lightly grab his arm. Physical touch is a great way to get his attention, but you don't need to be "suggestive" about it.

    And also, you can't force him to kiss you. If he wants to kiss you, he will. In my opinion, you shouldn't kiss on a first date, but that's just me.

  8. Snuggle on him and kiss him on the cheek =]

    "lol the first person that answered what you said was funny...

    Because it made me imagine myself like a worm snuggling up to him lol :P:P but still good suggestion :D"

    Lulz is wierd but i guess it would work just be yourself be happy dont be mad or have a temper you could say a compliment of some sort because i dont know how he look like =P

    GooD LucK!

  9. Say to him Kiss me and if he likes you he would do it. If a girl told me to kiss her on my first date I would kind of like uh what?! but I would build up the guts and do it.

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