
I want Indian goverment schemes or loans for start up a home based business in INDIA. Is there anything?

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I want Indian goverment schemes or loans for start up a home based business in INDIA. Is there anything?




  1. No Small Business Loan for Home Based Business, in India.

    You may please explore,


    in particular.

    With Load of Luck.

  2. There are many Laghu Udhyog schemes in India.

    Please visit any nationalized bank.

  3. You may please explore, following two web sites;


    Both are full of desired Information to the extent.

    Government of India, do not encourage Home Based Business Entrepreneur in Metro Cities. However, in Rural Areas number of relaxation are allowed.

    One can always manage Small Business Loan from Bank, for which you require the following;

    1.   Feasibility Report,

    2.   Project Report,

    3.   Margin Money,

    4.   Collateral Security,

    5.   'Letter of Indent' from Collaborators  or Franchising Company.

    More on Demand.

    With all the Best.

  4. well, you need proof that you will make money in order to pay back youre loan and you need proof you are setting up a business and not running away to india with the money, when you have that talk to a bank, building soceity or try and get a loan from the government.

  5. There is a site where u can find genuine Data Entry jobs/Work at Home jobs online without any up front costs. Work at home data entry Resources. Guides on identifying Work at home Job Scams and a lot more.

    Visit here:

    Also Visit:

    Free Resources, Reviews and Ideas for Legitimate Work at Home Opportunities:


  6. A small business loan is one of the most treasured commodities in the business world. It is still very hard to get despite the claims and promises of banks, credit unions and other lending institutions that they want to help American small business to survive and grow. In fact it sometimes seems that banks and other<!--lenders want to see small businesses fail and only support those that survive the battle for customers, revenues, and finances during their first two years.

    Getting a small business loan is most difficult during these first two years, when most businesses face a myriad of challenges involved with not only opening their doors, but hiring and training staff and meeting the demands of customers, clients-->suppliers and vendors. The main reason that the banks use for not granting many loans during this period is like the same reason that a student can’t get a job coming out of school. They don’t have the experience.

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