
I want Romance but he wont give it to me??

by  |  earlier

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No matter how much a i nag at my boyfriend of 3 years for romance he wont give it to me. Just not into it.

Never has been... But its really upsetting me cause i really want something!!! No mattter what i say he just says no, not into it.

Its making me think he dont love me???





  1. he probably doesn't know how

    & thats something you have to

    decide if your ok with or not

  2. I'd like to know this answer, too.  Especially since my bf thinks he doesn't have to "woo" me to have s*x with me.  I told him he needs to work at it by being sweet and romantic.  I don't have a power switch connected to a p***s like he  YOU HEAR THAT GUYS?!

  3. He most likely does love you but is just being a lazy male. My boyfriend of 2 years idea of romance is taking me to a metal concert.. blah!

    I've been nagging my boyfriend about doing something romantic for ages and so finally he took me to a gold coast getaway for the weekend. Was great, but boys will be boys and he kept trying to get me to go to the The Titans Football Bar to watch footy haha.

  4. I hear ya sister! My boyfriend of 1 1/2 years is the same, but he makes up for it for being stable and trustworthy, outgoing and funny. He is my rock. Look for the positives in your man. Some women have all the romance, but can't get thier men to communicate and be social. Some women have men who lavish them in gifts, but don't have the stability or trust they desire. You get along like a house on fire and have amazing s*x... some women would KILL for that and trade in the romance... just a thought.

  5. You cant change a person.

    He probably does try by saying romantic things ect, Maybe thats all he is good at.

    Hope this helps!

  6. what kind of romance are you wanting?

    maybe some things, he just doesnt lik to do

  7. Perhaps his idea of romance is different from yours. You cannot demand love, romance etc. Either it happens or not.

  8. He probably doesn't know how to show you romance and may feel it's girlie to do so. Take him by the hand and show him what you want, take it slow and reward him BIG TIME when he gets it right. I think you know what I mean....Good luck......RoyM......

  9. STOP!

    You've been nagging him for 3 yrs. He's NOT going to change for you, nor should he have to. Stop trying to force him to be something he's not (a romantic) and accept him as he is, or move on.

    You say it's upsetting you because you really want something...did you ever consider it's probably upsetting him because you're trying to coerce him into being the type of person he's not? If it's that important, why are you with him? You've known for 3 yrs he wasn't into the romantic stuff.

    If you choose not to be happy without romance, then cut him loose so he can find someone for whom it's not a priorty, and you can find someone who will romance your socks off. If everything else in the relationship is great, then consider if you can handle no romance...romance doesn't = love. There are MANY ways one can show they love and care for you.

    Read the book (seriously) "The Five Love Languages" (you can look it up online). It may give you some insight into your man. I found it enlightening.

  10. have you told him what you consider to be romantic or do you just tell him to be more romantic?

    what guys think is romantic is not always what girls think is romantic.  He probably is being romantic and you are missing it because you're not looking for it.

    If after explaining to him what you are talking about, he still doesn't do what you would like then you have to accept that he is not romantic or sentimental and enjoy what he is able to offer you.  If that isn't good enough then you need to move on.

    another good way to get what you want from someone is to give them what you want (remember the golden rule?  do unto others as you would have them do unto you.)

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