
I want Snakebites but...

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I want snakebites but my Mum wont let me how can i convince her to let me..




  1. Do what I did,

    I didn't ask I just got it done with my mates and came home, sure she was fuming but it wasn't like she was gonna rip it out off my lip!

    And hey look there still there!

  2. Snakebites? Eww. Im not surprised she wont let you.

  3. lol

  4. Oh gosh! U want snakebite? why? u will be in annoying painful!

    Its poison....why thinks like this..

  5. Snakebites?

  6. tell her you're out  of  your mind.

  7. Ha, you must be really trashy. Snakebites are gross... good for your mom, putting her foot down.

  8. If you have to ask your mum for snakebites then you are too young!

  9. Wait until you're older and out of the house.

    If you want them that bad, you'll want them later on in life, as well.

  10. Whilst Ive never heard of snakebites I kind of guess what they are, and could go for the 10 points by saying something.

    However consider that snakebites are fashion and may look very good.  Now think back to when you were 10 and what your favourite band.  The one you put the posters up on your bedroom wall.  Do you still like them, do you still have the posters up.  I bet not.  Youve moved on and gone to bigger and better things.  If you were forced to keep these posters on you wall for life as well as listen to their albums then youd be somewhat miffed.  This is where your mother is coming from in saying you cant.

    My suggestion would be to ask for a compromise on getting something different done which you would like. Parents like to compromise so everyone feels good

  11. tell her youll be really good.

    or like youll pay for it

    or tell her youll pay her to let you have them

    and tell her they look SEXYY so she should let you have them.haha

  12. what exactly do you mean

  13. 1st of all i need 2 know your age? im 13 and have got my lip pierced but that is only because the age limit at blue banana has gone down 2 14 if your with your parent. my mom let me as ive been beggin her since last year 2 let me get it done. if you my 14 or over she might let you get it done if you go 2 blue banana as your not breakin the legal age.or maybe she just doesnt want 2 pay £40 4 them if she does let you but doesnt wanna pay tht just get the 1 side done 4 now thts wht ive done cuz i only ad £20 =]

    cuz ur 14 just keep on sayin its legal 2 get them done at blue banana (have u gt a blue banana where your from lol) and dont listen 2 those other peeps snakebites are sxc! =]

  14. I tried to convince my mum lol.

        If you are 16 or older she cant do anything about it if you do get them done :)  

      Just say loads of people you know have them and its not going to affect her in anyway.  

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