
I want a B787. Can all 3 models, the -300, -800 and -900 fly trans-atlantic?

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Cheers lads and ladies




  1. Probably.  Ask the Boeing sales department; be prepared to wait several years to get one -- and then write a very large check.

  2. The 787 is very much like the 777 which means that it can fly transatlantic with less fuel

  3. If you have the money to buy an airplane that sells for a quarter of a billion dollars ($250,000,000.00), then you have secretaries, lawyers, and accountants to help you with such matters.  They can give you much more reliable information than you can get here.  So if I were you, I would call my lawyer.

  4. If you have the funds availible for a B787 I would reccommend a BBJ 777 or equivelant.  Go to World Aircraft Sales, they have a lot of information that would help.

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