
I want a baby, but can't how can i substitute this?

by Guest58270  |  earlier

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I am a 21 year old single guy am military as well. I just have desires to have a child, but can't since i am single can i substitute these feelings for something else? i feel lonely a lot.




  1. Try a pet.  My brother has 2 labs that he absolutely adores!  HE treats them like his babies.

  2. im a single parent its not that bad.

  3. Get a good bible based church and read your bible daily. Ask god to help you with your lonliness. When you read you bible you will smile, find wisdom, knowledge love joy and peace. Once you know about god you can discover  and me amazed about his goodness. Good luck I will be  praying for you!

  4. Loneliness is a good indication that you need improved social support (quantity and/or quality, depending upon what yours looks like right now).  Even if you had a child you could very well still feel lonely without adequate social support (in fact, loneliness is very common in parents - even married couples - that don't have adequate social support).  What are your friendships like?  Are you dating?  Are you in touch with family?  Do you have strong connections to the community?

  5. Your only 21 year old you have your whole life ahead of you. You can think about those things later on.

  6. Volunteer to work with kids. There is a program we have here called Big Brother. You act as a mentor for a child who doesn't have a father. See if you can find something like that.  Plus you get "brownie points" with the military for volunteering ; )

  7. Whatever you do, don't do anything stupid. A lot of lonely military guys fall prey to the wrong girl.

    Keep in touch with your family and try to be patient. If you meet a nice girl some day, I hope you are blessed with a wonderful family.

    Thankyou for sacrificing for us all at home.

  8. Have you ever thought of a pet? Not sure if it fits in with your lifestyle, but that might help.  Or start dating a single mom...there are plenty who would love a guy that wants kids.

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