
I want a baby, please help me to find out which one!?

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I am 13 and I want a baby but of course I don't want to mess up my teenage life by getting pregnant. So, my parents and I have thought up of an idea! The idea is to get one of those fake babies that you have to take home for a week or so in Middle or High School. Well to get one I have to find out where I can get one other than going to school and asking. So my question is:

Do you know ,a place online, where I can go to buy one of these babies?

All I need is a website!




  1. why don't u use the flour..take good care of the flour and if it burst or flour comes out the bag then ur not a good parent


    This website (planned parenthood) has info on how you could 'borrow' one.

    It gives a list of rules, etc.


    I had one of these babies in 9th grade, and it didn't really bother me that much.

    I had it overnight and the only time I got bothered was when I was trying to get ready in the morning!--the teachers can check to see if you 'neglected' the baby, and I didn't want that too happen!!!!

    Have you seen the show the Baby Borrowers?

    --Its teens who have to take care of babies, toddlers, kids, pre-teen, teens, and elders!


    -and you're smart for knowing that you want one, but don't want to risk your future--but you don't always 'risk' or 'mess up' you're future with a baby.

  3. Why not ask your local middle or high school where they order these "fake babies" from?

    BTW, I think this is an excellent idea. I also think you should get a regular babysitting job, so that you are taking care of children on a regular basis, one that you HAVE to go to and can't blow off if you decide you want to do something with friends. That is the closest thing I know to real parenting.

    Being a parent is wonderful and rewarding, but it is also the most demanding, frustrating, and expensive thing anyone can do!!!

    That is-if they do it right.

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