
I want a baby! Is this right!?

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Ive just turned 20 years old and i want a baby more than anything! Im in a serious relationship and have been for 2 years but i cant help but think that im too young and should wait. Well i know that im too young! but i cant stop thinking about u just know when ur ready? or is it a feeling you should fight until your older and more financially stable etc.?




  1. If your boyfriend isn't on the same page, don't have a baby!  Seriously, wait until you are older and are married.  If you aren't committed enough for marriage, you aren't ready for a child.  Having a child is FAR harder than being married.  

  2. Well first of all, you and your boyfriend need to get counseled and make sure you are READY to make an everlasting commitment to your husband. (unless he passes away or you do) Then you get married and if you are both ready to have a baby :) then you should consider it! :)  

  3. get married and if you are ready to take the responsibility's of taking care of a child. it is a lot a child will put your hopes and dreams and money on hold  

  4. I know you really want one, and that's so understandable. But think about it. You're still in college. How will you get through college? I would say finish your schooling and start saving. If you love babies and kids, consider being a nanny for now! It's a win-win situation: you'll have a place to stay in college (if you choose), you'll get to take care of kids, and you'll make lots of $$$. But please, wait. It wikll be so much funner and exciting if you wait.

  5. I think that maybe you should wait till you get more money and stuff because of the future, babies can be tough to take care of but are so sweet and can wait a little longer, maybe you should get ready first by first getting a house and settling down before having a new member to the family

  6. yeah he will, if he loves you, he definatley will:)

    and go for the baby..your not too young, mom mom had me at

    21, and my freind got pregnant at the age 14!

    So dotn wrry about it, the sonner the better.. because when you grow up, that kid would still have a strong and beautiful mother.. because your not that  old yet. You can even get to see your grandchildren get married.. so think about it, but my answer is yes, go for that baby:)!

    DO IT!

  7. You're never too young if you know you're ready.

    But, it's a good idea to become more financially stable in your life before having a baby, it would be better for your child.

  8. If you can afford (in time and in money) and love a baby who needs nurturing and the many necessities of life beyond being an infant, then sure, go for it.

  9. first of all, you are old enough.  its better to have a baby when your young than one when you're old. when your baby is 15, youll be 36! thats great!

    second of all, it is a feeling. when you see babies everywhere you go. when you actually think about stealing one! when you want one so bad, it interrupts your daily life. thats when you know you're ready.

  10. if you and your partner agree on it, you think your ready, and your financially stable then why not? but then again your not even 21 yet so you haven't really partied but if your not worried about all that then go ahead

  11. i'd wait till your older, just by personal experience.

    you'll be more financially stable, have gotten what you wanted to do in your life and just be in a better place to bring a baby into the world.

    my mom had be around 20 and now since she's older she wished she had waited and done more with her life.  

  12. I know how you feel. When I was 20 I really wanted a baby too, but I knew it wasn't the right time so I just watched other people's kids until I knew I was ready, but it's completely up to you and your BF. You both have to want it, or it won't work.  

  13. if your sure its what you want and you feel your mature enough to handle one then go for it. and about your boyfriend, just wait until its a good time to talk to him and let him know how you feel and just tell him. plus if you really love him and he really loves you then he'll understand. even if at first he doesn't really agree, just give him time. Good luck!

  14. just read around on here. your not too young. theres jr high kids on here asking quesitons about pregnancy. your fine. go for it. good luck.

    no amound of age or financial stability can make you a good parent. wanting a child that bad will make you a good parent and you sound like your ready.

  15. What you want is only one piece of the equation.

    What the father wants matters and perhaps most important is what is best for the child.

    Marriage first.  Committed father who can't legally just walk away and shares your desire for a child.  Then a baby.

    Think about this babies childhood and life.  He needs a father who is married to you and committed to doing his part of raising a person.

  16. I think that you should get one of these baby dolls that wet their dypers and cry when hungry in the middle of the night. Once you have to deal with that for awhile, you might decide to wait.

  17. well i am 18 and when i was 16 i wanted a baby when i turned 18 and some how in december of 07 i got pregnant and now i am having a baby girl so i am excited and cant wait so if u really want something either it will happen on its own or u can make it happen when ur ready so wat ever feels right to u  

  18. If your ready for the commitment, and responsiblty, go for it.

    If you can't support it, then no way.

  19. ok....are you married??!!!!! if not this is an incredibly stupid idea!!!

    this man could up and leave you at any moment!!! not to be rude but guys do that every day!!!! but if yours is a really good guy GOOD FOR YOU! when he's ready I'm sure he or you can pop the question!!

    have you asked him if he wants a kid or not?!!!

    this is a really important thing to do  and if he says yes then what's holding you back from getting maried??!!!

    but geting in a steady finacial state is a REALLY good idea!

    smart thinking!!! kids cost a ton (I would know)

    but having a baby is something you can't ever take back

    you should wait and be sure your the best parent you can be!!

    because I'm sure you'd make an awsome parent!

    and I think that's something worth waiting for

  20. You should find a few friends or family members who was a young mother and ask about their experiences.

  21. omg. wait. please wait. the end. dont listen to anymore answers. W A I T. Till ya married atleast.but not for like 5 more years dont have a kid for pete sake.  

  22. I am 20 years old as well and I'm 5 months pregnant. I've been in a relationship for 4+ years and we are planning on getting married on day(decided that before I was pregnant) I am more than excited that I am pregnant, dont get me wrong, but I wish I could wait maybe even just one year. I have always wanted to be a mom and thought I couldnt wait and I am ready for it, but now that i am pregnant.. my feelings about that kinda changed. If you want the best life for your child you will wait until you are mature enough, until you are sure enough in your relationship that you are going to be with him forever, and finacially you are set. Otherwise your child might have it hard. All of those things come with age.. maybe even just a few years.  Because we are having a child so young, we will struggle emotionally, finacially, and many other ways. Do yourself a favor and try to wait.

    And I can promise you that your boyfriend will not be on the same page.  

  23. its a normal feeling. but as a young mother,i am 20 as well, i would say wait until you are married and financially stable. i love my son more than anything but things would have been much easier if we were more ready in financial aspects. just wait and you will be able to enjoy it more instead of having to worry about money all the time. babies are a lot to handle,physically,mentally,financially, and on your relationship at times. so wait till your fully ready.

  24. when your ready you will know your ready. . now granted you body and heart are telling  you your read go for it but knkow that a baby is the best thing that will ever happen to you and you want to be able to give it the world so make sure that you can financial support you and your child and make sure your boyfriend is all in cause the difficulties and mental problems are servere when parents are split and raising in different household, trust me im doin an internship for social work and there are a lot of young parents that thought they were ready and now they are having there worlds taken from them! But if you consider all of these and can see past it then go for it and enjoy your life with your baby just remember you want whats best for your child and you have to be mentally (which i think you are) physically and financially stable... Good Luck!

  25. What does your man think? Where would your life be right now if you were to become pregnant? How would you handle the constant diaper changing, expense and your life completely not yours.  Buy a book on pregnancy. What to expect when expecting. Read through it and you will see some of the things that will happen. Expose yourself in the concept of if this is what you really want to do. Having a child is beautiful and the pregnancy can be a joy and a miracle but you need to decide if the choice in having the child is good for right now.  How about the money you would need to pull up for your wedding...would you be able to do that with a child? I wanted a child bad at your age too.  It took me to find a man that i fell soo deeply in love with and married before thinking about children.  But at the same token, you can pull it together, many couples have done it.

  26. Hi..from personal experince..I would wait..I had my first daugther at the age of 20 and my second daugther is 4 weeks today. I'm 22..It's really hard sometimes..but don't get me wrong..I would never ever give my babies back for anything..but somedays I feel like I'm missing out on the time of my life where I should be partying it up! Do you know how hard it is to find a babysitter? It took us 3 weeks to find someone to agree to take them this Sat. so that me and there dad can go out for our anny. One will be with my mother and the other my aunt. But if your ready to have no life..I said go for it..and if you wait until your financially stable you'll never have just kind of make the money work..and some how it always does..

  27. your just hormonal, stop it! raising up kids,its HARD.if you got the option to live your own life for a bit your going to be a better mum, get some life experience, get financially stable, youve got choices make a smart one you dont want to be a poor stressed out mum, if you really want a baby create a great environment first, with a stable home and a hppy fulfilled mum.

    good luck

  28. i was 19 when i had my son and i dont regret it. though i do wish i had been a little older like 24 or something. it does change your life, for some people it changes it for the better and some people dont really make any changes. sometimes when i see a little baby i say " oh i think i want another one". but then i take a look at reality. it is d**n hard work, and i know i'm not ready for it.  I've been with my fiance for 5 years adn we were never really sure when we wanted children. my son is 16 months old now and i never get a break and i hardly sit down. he even follows me to the bathroom a lot

  29. I think when your heart wants something enough, you can adjust real life to your dreams!

  30. Things to ask yourself.. have you accomplished all of the things you want to accomplish? Have you traveled to the places where you want to travel? Do you have all of the material things in your life that you want? Don't rush into being a parent.. when you become a parent, you become a parent, it's not something that just lasts for a few days or a few weeks and then you can go back to your "old life." Make sure you are as financially stable as you can possibly be before you attempt to get pregnant. The more stable your life is, the more stable your child's life will be.

  31. Approach your boyfriend with the subject if he does not want children right now then you cant force him.If he wants children eventually then you two can come to an agreement about it.Make sure your relationship is a good stable one and can handle a child.Also make sure you are financially stable to raise a baby(can you provide everything a child needs and still pay all of your bills)Having baby fever is common for a lot of young women but it doesn't mean you are ready.Take out some time for yourself and really think about it.I am not saying you are to young because I have no room to talk I became pregnant at 19 my now husband and I had been together for two years by then.We weren't ready at first but we quickly became that way and are great parents.She is now 4 and we have a three week old daughter (who was planned this time lol).We are very happy but it doesn't happen that way for everyone so really really think about it and discuss it with your boyfriend.

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