
I want a baby.....Please help me

by Guest63163  |  earlier

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But everytime after i have s*x with my husband, I have to pee. how do i stop from peeing everytime after s*x? How can i help myself?




  1. everybody pees afer s*x,getting pregnant cannot be stopped by peeing trust me or my ex would never have gotten pregnant 4 times! you are worrying about nothing!

  2. Urinate before having s*x

  3. That's not fair. Your question provoked... oh,god. Pee? That's what this is all about ,PEE?  

  4. pee before having s*x.. then all you need to do is wait 30 min. after s*x to pee.. itll work that way...  

  5. try to think of something else besides going to the restroom!!!!!!!!!!!! -

  6. You have to pee after having s*x because you can cause a urinary tract infection if you don't. At least that's what my midwife told me. I do everytime and i have 2 kids lol

  7. Do not  worry  about  

    yes yes   you  have   2  different  hole lol .  one is  your  v****a ,  and  the other one is  your  pee  hole .  

    ********The pee hole is a slang name for the urethral opening to your bladder. The bladder holds your urine. The urethra is the canal by which urine passes through from the bladder. Pee is a slang word for urine.

    *********v****a — the passageway from the outside of a woman's body to her reproductive organs. Menstrual fluid flows from the v****a. If a woman has vaginal intercourse, a man would insert his p***s in her v****a. And if a woman gives birth, the fetus is pushed out of the v****a.

    GOOD luck and  pee  all  you  want   girl .  :)  

  8. Try having s*x right after you pee. Ususlly, peeing does not effect wether or not you get pregnant. Pregnancy depends on where you are in your cycle and how fertile you are and how strong your partners little tad-poles are. If you are having great difficulty, it is advisable to go see a fertility specialist.

  9. Pee before s*x dear.  

  10. I don't think peeing after sax has anything to do with getting pregnant.

  11. i have no clue cause im only 13 sorry

  12. All you really need to do is wait a few minutes.  Like 5.  Then go pee and don't worry about it.  There will still be sperm in there.

  13. i don't think the peeing is the reason why don't you consult a doctor both of you...

  14. Don't worry because peeing after s*x has nothing to do with pregnancy prevention. Your v****a and were you pee from are two separate holes. Once the sperm are there, they are there and peeing won't make them come out. I pee afterwards all the time and I was able to get pregnant twice. It's actually safe to because it flushes away bacteria.

    Don't worry, just relax and have s*x when you are ovulating. If you have been trying for a long time, then maybe see a fertility clinic, because peeing does not affect you getting pregnant.

    Good luck!

  15. Go to the bathroom before

  16. peeon doent make a differerence it comes from a diff place there should be enough swimmers in the right place try to relax how long have u been tryin if its a yr or more see ur doc but it can take time to conceive spec if uve come off birth control

  17. go to the bathroom before you do your bussniess lol :)

  18. To pee after s*x is normal. Ask and you shall be given.

  19. arent your pee hole and your vag hole different holes?

    it shouldnt matter i dont think

  20. You can't. Try going to the bathroom b4 s*x, but you can't really stop that. I feel you, just because you pee doesn't mean you can't get prego though.

  21. pee before s*x, after have your husband help you stand on your head for 5 minutes

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