
I want a baby girl.???

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How can I increase my chances of having a baby girl.?

When is the right time to try and have a baby girl.

Anything helps. So please tell me all you know. =]




  1. There is so much controversy and difference in opinions regarding this subject. You'll probably find that no two people will give you the same answers here! I can appreciate how you feel though and will share what I know:

    First off: take a peek at this video, its great for explaining the basics and shows you ways of "helping nature along" in so many words.

    There is also the good old Dr Shettles technique, which is not wholly convincing:

    Dr Landrum B Shettles based his study on sperm’s swimming ability and stamina, and whether it was in contact with an acidic or alkaline vaginal environment. As Y-bearing (male) sperm are lighter and swim faster in the reproductive tract than heavier, slower X-bearing (female) sperm, it was thought that intercourse closer to ovulation increased the chances of conceiving a boy (as male sperm swim faster, but have a shorter life span) and intercourse on the limits of the fertile time increased the chances of a girl. This study included 22 couples trying for a boy, of whom 19 were successful, and 19 couples trying for a girl, of whom 16 were successful. However, as it was a small study, and took place more than 30 years ago, it cannot be considered evidence-based research.

    Tips to Conceive a Girl

    Have frequent intercourse after menstruation to reduce the numbers of male sperm.

    Stop two or three days before ovulation.

    Do not have s*x for a week after ovulation.

    They do say that if nature is left to her own devices around 105 boys will be born for every 100 girls, but it can't hurt to try for a little girl :] Good luck in achieving pink!!

  2. I am pregnant and will find out what I am having in 2 weeks. I hope its a girl and we were trying for a girl. The only thing I can suggest is to have s*x everyday after your period stops and stop 3 days before you ovulate. You first need to have a really good handle on your ovulation cycle or you may end up with a boy. Also have s*x in positions that involve shallow penetration like missionary or spooning. Have s*x in the afternoon rather than at night. And last but not least eat sweet foods. That is what I know.  

  3. There are SO many myths out there! It's hard to tell what's real, isn't it?

    From a medical standpoint, there is only one real method- and no it doesn't have anything to do with positions, spicy foods or the time of day the intercourse takes place!

    First of all, the girl sperm (x sperm) are bigger, slower and more resilient to the female's tract.

    The boy sperm (y sperm) are smaller, faster and less resilient to the female's tract.

    If you have a regualr 28 day cycle, your date of ovulation is approx. 14 days after your last period. This is your opptimum time to conceive.

    If you try to conceive a couple of days before your date of ovulation, your chances of having a girl increase, becuase the boy sperm will have quickly swam up your tract, found no egg waiting for them, and died. The girl sperm, since they swim slower, will get there about the same time the egg is released. So if you want a boy, have s*x the day of your ovulation, because they will quickly swim up there, find the egg, and fertilize it.

    Now, there are a couple of things to consider with this method. Every woman is different, and your vaginal tract may not be the optimum pH level. It can be too acidic or too alkaline, which will also change things.

    The boy sperm are weaker than the girl sperm, so a more acidic tract is a harsher environment for them to survive in. If the boy sperm are eliminated because of the acidity level, the only ones left to reach the egg are the girl sperm.

    However, if the tract is more alkaline, the boy sperm will have an easier time getting to the egg, and be able to fertilize it.

    That's a lot to think about, isn't it? :o)

    So, your best bet, is to have s*x a couple of days before your expected date of ovulation and hope for the best! Having s*x every day reduces sperm count a little, but since there several million sperm with each ejacuation, you don't have to worry about that too much.

    Don't make s*x a chore or a science experiment though.

    Have fun and best of luck to you both!

  4. The only proven medical fact that seems to emerge from all the myths surrounding conception, is the fact that the sperm which produce baby boys, do tend to "swim" faster than those that create baby girls, but sadly they are also far more fragile. Therefore, having intercourse on the precise day of ovulation but not for five days before, is more likely to produce a boy than a girl, as they will not need to survive so long to reach the egg they need to fertilize. Also, the conditions within a woman's' body on the day of ovulation, are less acidic than at other times, and less likely to destroy the fragile little things before they reach their goal. Having s*x a few days prior to ovulation, means the slower but far stronger sperm that create girls, may still be alive (and much nearer to the egg) when ovulation occurs.

  5. Try going to and play around with their ovulation calendar. If you know your cycle length it will tell you when your most likely ovulation time is and what days you should have s*x to conceive a boy or conceive a girl.
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