
I want a baby???????

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I am eighteen years old and very happy with my boyfriend. I have a good job and could provide for a baby. Everyone tells me and my boyfriend to wait, we are too young. What are your opinions?




  1. Do you want to go to college?  Are you going to be able to afford the baby if you go to college?  Are you completly sure you can afford the child?  Having a baby is expensive, not only do you have to buy supplys for the baby but you will be having alot of doctors bills.  Also, who will watch the child while you are at work.  If you are going to college, who will watch the baby when you are in class?  These are all things to think about.  If you have it all figured out though and are 100% you can afford the child and provide it with a happy, healthy, and loving home, then it is your business and no one elses if you and your boyfriend have a baby or not.

  2. Babies are VERY expensive. I'd say you're too young, why not live a little first? Not that I'm saying a baby will make your life boring but don't you want to do anything else before you have children? Advance your career, go travelling etc.

  3. There is nothing wrong with having a baby but u are young and waiting could be the best investment u make. Having a good job is not good enough it helps but The baby needs parents along with love and support and it is a Huge responsibility U are young and you are at that age where you change your mid a lot.Just wait you wont be sorry you still have a lot of time what is the rush.You are still trying to find yourself your nich in the world,trust me you will be glad you waited.

  4. I think 18 years is not too young to have a baby. But, when you are 25 years old you will realise what a kid you were at 18, and you should have waited!

    Once you have a baby, there are sooooooo many things that you cannot do. The list is endless! So, if your relationship is strong, I would suggest wait at least 2 more years, enjoy life as a young woman, get married, save some money and then have a baby. You will feel much better prepared then.

  5. yes, too young trust me... I'm 20 and have a 11 month old... and i love him to death but he wasn't planned... and you should live life as a couple first, for at least a few years... because think that once you have the baby you will skip a lot of things...!!!  

  6. I think it depends on the people. I know 30 year olds who aren't ready for kids and I have a friend who became a wonderful mom at 18. Think about what you guys like to do for fun and on weekends, could your baby come do those things or would you have to stay home instead?  Will one of you work while the other stays home or will you use a daycare?  Will the father get up every 3 hours to feed the child or will it all be on you?  Those are a couple things to think about.

    But if you have thought about everything, and you are both in agreement and financially stable then go for it. As long as this isn't something you just thought up a moment ago.

  7. I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone who wants a child....spend a week being the sole caretaker of a 3 month old, preferably one that doesn't sleep well, and make your decision after that. The best thing my mother ever did for me was have 2 children when I was 11 and 13 years old. It's so much harder than you expect. I'm 30 and pregnant with my first and I still wonder how I'm going to do it. If you have little experience with staying up with an infant all night, that's your first test to go through before you make that decision.

  8. It doesnt hurt to wait. If it is meant to be it will happen. But maybe you should enjoy your youth.

  9. Toooooo young. Live your life first. So much to do. Get out and see the world and experience life

  10. I agree! Your just a kid yourself. Live your life and enjoy it with your bf. If you have a child can't give it back.  

  11. I say yeah it doesn't hurt to wait, but with that being said, you are an adult and if you and your boyfriend agree and can afford to provide for the child and you are stable in your relationship or at least know that if in the long run if things don't work out between the two of you that you could still coparent without problems then I say go for it, you definately seem more ready than a 13year old!!  Good luck girl!!

  12. I felt the exactly the same when I was eighteen, I was absolutely broody as h**l and desperate for a baby. Until I actually got pregnant. Then I sh*t myself with a capital s. A year later we split up. I can't stand him now. We weren't together for very long though, and people do change.

    If you have a baby, your whole life will change. Think of the girly nights out, hen nights, weddings, parties, all day lie in's etc. Then think you'll never have those again til your old and all your life and money will be devoted to your baby/child/teenager

  13. I would urge you to finish college first it's extremely hard to be a parent and a student. My stepsister is having a h**l of a time doing it! It's one of the most stressful things i've watched a love one do!

  14. I say wait at least 2 years or more.  Enjoy being young and alone with your boyfriend.  Start putting money back.

  15. I was 18 when I got pregnant. If you and your boyfriend are financially capable, with sme college education and support behind you(family,friends,etc.). I don't think there is a problem.

    Financially stable meaning not having to rely on WIC,FOOD STAMPS, and any other government help.

  16. If you are really ready to settle down, and you don't want to do any traveling or go to college or anything then I think it is fine. Being able to provide for a child is much more than just money wise. You need to be able to provide for them emotionally too. Which can be very difficult at a young age. When most of your friends don't have kids, They hang around for a little bit then they fade and you are left with no one but your child. If you think you have to emotional support from your family, because they will be the only ones to stick around if even they do. You need to be able to handle someone else needed everything from you 24/7. Life is very differnt with a child, I would read up and talk to people about it before you decide. Good luck whatever you choose.

  17. It is your life that's very true but why not give it a couple of years? Have fancy holidays with your boyfriend, they will be harder to come by when you have children. You could also wait until you get married?  Get some life experience for yourselves see and do things that will help you in future life before you settle down and have to stop being you.  

  18. that you're too young.

  19. Enjoy life a bit, go out socialise. Babies and Socialising don't mix.

  20. 10 minutes prior to this question you were going on about how you weren't over your ex boyfriend yet!?

    your 18 so i doubt you or your boyfriend earn enough to support a baby comfortably.

    Do you have your OWN house?

    a baby is a 27/7 job, there is no fun involved, NOTHING romantic or easy about it.

    you might think you'll get a council house....WRONG!!!!

    My partner and i have been together 7 YEARS!!! we're 21 years old and work 90+ hours to look after our 2 1/2 year old, we have been waiting 3 years SO FAR for a council house, NO LUCK so we have to STRUGGLE even though we have a reasonable income.

    we didn't plan to have a baby at 18, we had dreams since we were 14 and first started out, we wanted to travel, get careers, but that was made IMPOSSIBLE because we are parents and our lives are about cooking cleaning and working.

    we love being a family but it could have happened later when we had some money saved and done everything fun in life first!!

    DON'T have a baby now wait cause YOU WILL MISS OUT!!


  21. I got pregnant at 19 and am 20 now and 27 weeks. I thought everyone would be really disapointed and tell me I should have waited, but my family and friends were all very happy. My boyfriend and I have been together almost 5 years. As long as you and your boyfriend love eachother and you don't have a lot of drama in your relationship, I don't think it would be a bad idea. Just make sure you've been at your job for a little while, so you know you like it, same for him, and make sure you have a decent place to live for yourself and baby. You're an adult now and can make your own decisions and shouldn't have to worry about people in your life accepting that--they'll have to. Good luck! :)

  22. if you and your boyfriend feel your ready and can support the child then go for it

  23. if you feel you are set in life and you are ready then that is your decision not anyone elses...good luck! =)

  24. its up to, u shouldnt be askin people on the internet that u have never met about things like this, u should be askin yourself and your bf
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