
I want a baby sooooo bad but my boyfriend isnt ready....?

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I had an abortion over a year ago that was the worst decision I ever ever ever made and I regret it ever day. My boyfriend has a 4 year old and its sucks cuz I feel like he'll never want a baby as much as I do. I have thought about getting pregnant so many times, but dont want to until my boy is ready too, since for one thing that is basically what his ex did. I love him but I am so tired of waiting and I know I could start over and have a baby with someone who really wants one. what do i dooo??




  1. First, it's best to be married before getting pregnant.

    Second, do NOT ever have have a child with someone who isn't ready.

    Third, NEVER trick someone into being a father.

    Your best bet is to find another man who wants children.

  2. Either wait till he's ready, or find a new father for your baby.

  3. Don't have a baby with him, he doesn't want one and that would be really low of you to do and probably would end up bitter. Also, no he wouldn't be excited as he already has a kid, and he isn't ready!

  4. 1. wait till he is ready to

    2. have a baby after you marry him :))

    3........ Good luck!

  5. Besides asking him if he wants to have a baby with you.  Ask him if he wants to have a relationship with you for the rest of his life.  Becasue whether or not you two stay together, you will both be parents of this child forever.  Since you mentioned he has an ex with a child.  Seriously think about this answer.  

    Since I saw no mention of marriage or commitment in your post, also please consider that having a child is a huge commitment to another person.

  6. It is never a good idea to get pregnant if your partner is not ready to be a father. You'll end up raising the child alone. Either wait for him to be ready (if that ever happens) or find someone that shares your goal of parenting.

    Also, there are some good books that deal with the guilt of abortion. Check out :

    A Season to Heal/Help and Hope for Those Working Through Post-Abortion Stress (Paperback) by Luci Freed.  

  7. Men are men .... children are children. Take this as you want...

    I just hope you don't regret things after, u know what I mean?

    Good luck on ur decision.

  8. I know this may be expensive but adoption. Respect his oppinion and baby-sit your friends kids to see what it is like. If you like this guy than don't leve him unless he always says o when you bring up the subject,though if you bring it up all the time he may think you only want to have s*x with him, if you wait he will eventually come aound.

  9. You need to be open with him find out for sure why he doesn't want a baby. Then really use your judgment on his answer because he could be very truthful but also be liar. If you have mixed feelings about him and a baby and the whole situation maybe you should start over and find someone who has the same views as you and that you have more in common with.

  10. Do you like black kids? You can have mine.

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