I really want to have a child. Lately I've been thinking, I really want a down syndrome child. Please don't get me wrong, I'd never do ANYTHING to harm my child or cause birth defects if I got pregnant, but I was thinking about adopting a child with down syndrome. It may sound controversial, but they're already born, and need good loving homes. I've worked with alot of down syndrome kids and I find them to be the sweetest, greatest kids around and I think it'd be a true blessing to raise such a child. Is there any organzations/adoption agencies that specialize in special needs children? How would I go about finding them, and what would I need to do to adopt one? I'm willing to take classes, or do anything that needs to be done to prepare my home for a special needs baby. Where do I begin? Also, if you have first hand experience in raising a child with down syndrome, I'd like to hear it. I've spent alot of time with these kids but obviously raising one is a different story