
I want a bigger butt. whats safe and where can i it done in Atlanta, Georgia?

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I want a bigger butt. whats safe and where can i it done in Atlanta, Georgia?




  1. Surgically?  You've got to be kidding!  Right??

  2. Why on earth would you want a humungus butt?

  3. Go to Mcdonalds. They are introduced the Mcdiet in 2002. It only costs $4 a day for two months.

  4. i will grow just wait

  5. at home!

    Try my method of controlled weight gain to improve the shape and thickness of you booty.

    You’ll to start with muscle building exercises followed by a significant increase in calories to your diet along with protein and a vitamin called L-lysine to your diet. Lysine helps your body assimilate proteins so it’s great for building your glutes and since muscle is made of protein you'll need that to. You’ll have to take in the same amount of calories that you burn plus 100%.

    So in other words if you burned 800 extra calories a day you'd need to take in that 800, plus 800 more to neutralize the burned calories. This will allow you a slight weight gain (how else is your booty going to fatten up). Every week you'll need to increase your calories by approximately 100 if you have a low to normal metabolism or more like 300 if you have a higher metabolism .the reason for this the fact that you gain muscle in the butt area and the muscles of the human body are very greedy and require a large amount calories for energy.

    In Japan sumo wrestlers gain massive amounts of weight but are very strong because they gain the weight subcutaneously, this means under the skin not in the muscle. This same effect is what gives booties that awesome shake everyone likes. Start with the calories first a week two weeks before.  Adding calories like, empty carbs like white bread and flour tortillas are cheap but also problematic because of the fact that you'll need to eat a lot of them. Let’s say the average slice of white bread has about100 calories, if that was the case you'd need to eat 8 to 12 slices of bread a day. I suggest going to you local GNC or its equivalent to look for weight gain products and then eating like normal this will allow precise control of your caloric intake but remember that your calories cause fat to store so you do need to eat some fat in your diet. Also they have a product called power bar gel. They fit in your pocket and are worth 110 calories each so they're great for at school or work because you can get carbs without looking like a hog then when at home, eat how you want to eat. Here’s the link to check them out

    .and this one

    Then you'll need to work your butt real hard for like 12 weeks you should see a difference. If it works go 4-6 weeks off without the butt exercises but continue with half of your new calories and slowly work your way back to normal. Also continue to do abdominal exercises this is very important if want to keep your mid section toned.  The new booty will stay if you keep your calories and only work out by toning.

    Once you’re satisfied do toning exercises only. After this program consider having fat from your tummy injected in to your butt. E-mail me if you have any more questions.

    Here is a list of butt exercises that you should start with:

    • Quadruped Hip Extensions

    • Lunges

    • Step Ups

    • Squats

    • Four-Way Hip Extensions

    • One-Legged Squat

    1. The truth about women and there body fat as far as I can tell it.

    For those concerned about weight gain According to Thomas A. Owens, M.D. (Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC), has recommended for women a body fat percentage of approximately

    25%. Recent studies have shown that around 35% can be harmless if you carry it around the hips, thighs and buttocks. Where on the other hand if you carry it around your waist it can be very harmful to you health, the common concern being the development of diabetes

    It is also known that women with high amounts fat around their buttocks are more fertile  because the fat in that area  for some reason supports healthier hormone levels which in turn effects your fertility. If you know you have you the type of body that everything you eat goes straight to your butt, packing on 10 or 20 pounds around your bottom could be what brings you a bundle of joy.  The fact that your other half can’t keep his hands off of it will help to I suppose.

    the first thing that a woman has to understand is when this method in perfected she'll have to understand that having full round cheeks means that you are little heavier and a bit more body fat than someone who has no butt all

    There are benefits such as the fact that her leg muscles will be highly strengthened so things like running, kicking, or jumping could become easier, also her s*x life could be affected. This is because exercising the leg muscles can tighten a woman up a little and she can move her own body weight around easier and still be thick and soft in the thighs and butt

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