
I want a cat but every time i get one it gets ran over or runs away wat do i do to keep them 4 a long time.?

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I had a cat named Shadow for 3 years and one day I was playing with my new kitten Chubes and my mom and bro' were outside and saw him laying on a oak tree in my front yard and he was dead, so they buried him and im really in love with cats so i hav 2 hav a new one




  1. Indoor cats live much longer and are generally healthier than cats that go outdoors.  "Indoor only" cats are exposed to less diseases, get less injuries, and they can't get hit by cars!  (Unless a car crashes into your house.)  Another helpful tip, is to make sure your pets are spayed or neutered!  They will be less likely to run away.  

    You will have to make sure your parents and family will let you keep a totally indoor cat.

  2. Ummm... don't let the cat out of the house? Of course, pets aren't for everyone. Maybe you should stick with goldfish or hamsters.

  3. i had this problem with my cats going missing or getting sick, I got a new kitten 2 weeks ago and i've decided to keep her as a house cat which you could try. That way if your cat becomes ill or sad you'll know about it straight away and your cat won't get run over or hurt outside. Remember to get him/her vaccinated anyway incase he/she gets out by accident to keep them protected from nasty diseases :) x

  4. make sure that u close the doors all the time and PLEASE put a tag on ur cat that has ur phone number on it. being extra careful will keep ur cat healthy and happy.

  5. Here's your problem: you need an inside cat. Inside cats average up to 5 years longer life than outside cats. You should microchip it and get it a collar, just in case it does get out. I think that will solve your problem....

  6. You just do NOT allow the cat to go outside. Most cats love to be in . I just brought a stray inside. I have been feeding her all winter, and up until now. I had her spayed, rabies shot, checked for worms, and feline leukemia, and she is now in. She doesn't want to go out. All of my cats are indoor only, with the exception that I have two screened (with windows also) in porches. They do love it there, but Never go out. There is no need for a cat to go outside.IF YOU CAN'T HAVE AN INSIDE CAT, AND YOUR CATS KEEP GETTING RUN OVER.....THEN I SAY, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE A CAT!!!!!!!!!!

  7. As you can tell the debate over indoors and outdoors cats. A study in France said realy there's not enough stimalation for a cat to be left inside. My cats go outside and are car savoy and the last one lived 22 years. The latest is only 12mounths. the stats ts for a indoors are only about 15 indoorsdoors are about 22-25years out ask your vet. There is a lot to take into consideration though busy street other cats wild animals.

    But the best way is to keep them inside with a cat run it's a connecting tunnels that run all around the house. The best idea is to have a little bit of every thing in it. Like somewhere to climb and hide and play.

    There is a few of the cat food sites eg whiskers that have very good ideas of bring a cat up from kitten hood Bonding etc before you even consider letting a cat outdoors.

  8. PLEASE, don't get a new one! If you aren't responsible enough to keep the cat indoors and protect him from dangers, you should not own a pet! Why get another one? It'll only get killed again!!

  9. if you want to keep them safe for a long time keep them inside  take them to the vet and feed them good food take care of their teeth and give them lots of love all the time  

  10. please STAY AWAY FROM CATS....apparently your not responsible for a cat or any animal for that matter. Visit the zoo if you want to pet an animal.

  11. Get a cat leash with your new cat.

  12. Having a pet is a big responsibility, like having a child.  YOU are responsible for its health & well-being.  If you can't keep your pet cats safe, than maybe it's not the right time to have one.  

    Maybe you should get a NintendoCat or a kitty Webkins & try taking care of it for a while & see how well you do.  


  14. I am training my cat to walk on a harness. She goes out for 15 minutes on the harness and leash each morning and each night. I train her to come to me by using treats. After 2 months, she is a very good walker on the leash. This keeps her safe and she gets to spend time outside which is essential for all life. When she was real little, 1 lb, we used a iguana harness as a cat harness was not small enough for her. It is fun to take your cat for a walk. People are amazed you can do it. She loves going to PetSmart, just like a dog!

  15. right when you first get a cat or kitten you keep it inside for a min of 4 weeks so he/she gets used to it. do you live near a main road? if you do then a cat is out of the question stick with ferrets, hamsters etc

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