
I want a celebrity to host my fundraiser for my charity organization, how do i go about finding one?

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I want a celebrity to host my fundraiser for my charity organization, how do i go about finding one?




  1. You can try this link, but I'm sure there is a fee involved, I'm not for sure.

    You would be better off trying to engage a celebrity from your state, (doesn't matter what area he works or is involved in), to appear at your fund raiser. They usually show up for free.

    This would include maybe the Governor of your state, a person in charge of a volunteer organization relating to your cause, etc..

    Good  Luck!

  2. I would probably try to get someone local like the guy above me said.  I have put on many fundraisers for CF and I can never get big-named people to do anything unless they are originally from the area (ex. a NLF football player went to my school, his mom works with my mom at the school, he signs pictures for us to auction off).  I would ask a local college/university to send some football players or basketball players to attend your event.  Or you could ask a local radio DJ or television show host to come. Good luck!

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