
I want a cell phone, but only a few of my friends have one.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going into grade 8 and want a phone because it comes in handy, but hardly any of my friends own them, so it would be so boring to have one because i would have noone to text.... Should i get one??




  1. GET ONE its passes time in class texting pplz i do it all the time and i got my phone in gr 7 CHOCOLATE SLIDE BEST PHONE IN THE WORLD

  2. I don't have one and I can live without it, but if you want to use it for emergencies get one.  

  3. You should get one . They could be really useful . Plus I'm sure you`ll find someone to text or your friends will get phones. And you can show off your cell in front off your friends

  4. I'm 13 and i got one. At first I didn't have that many people's numbers but now I got tons. I'm really well-known actually so I have tons of friends. I have it basicly for emergencies. Also because I go out a lot and sometimes I got to call me parents or somebody to come get me. If you want one for emergencies, then YES! If you just want one to look "cool", then your wasting your money. I prob sound like an old lady but I know. I've had one for a year and a half now.

  5. I have a very old Nokia, with black&white screen. I love it, because all I use my phone for is for my mum to know where I am, and that people can contact me when I'm not home.

    Why is texting such a 'cool' thing?  

  6. well im going into grade nine and im gonna wait to get a cell phone for my 15th birthday in march.

  7. I got mine when I was 10. I really like it and I use it for more than just texting. It actually comes in handy sometimes. you should get one!

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