
I want a cell phone and all my friends have cell phones how do i get my parents to buy me one ?

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I want a cell phone and all my friends have cell phones how do i get my parents to buy me one ?




  1. if all your friends have one, you should get one just for that reason!!!!!!! Unbelievable, your parents should be charged with child neglect/abuse, because they didn't buy you a phone!!!!!

    How about growing up, & earning the money yourself, do some work, & start with a pre-paid phone. That way you show how responsible you are. In case you're not aware, the economy is a little rough right now, & your parents might have something better to spend their money on, bills food rent/mortgage!!!!!!!!!  

  2. umm i think you shud get lost for few hours somewhere and make them panicky ...mayb dn dey realise  imp. of a cell with u!

  3. beg

  4. tell them that you need it for emergencies,if someone whants to stalk you,tell them what about you cant reach me in an emergencie's ETC.....

  5. OR, be a grownup and buy one for yourself.

    The fact is, if you have to ask your parents, you probably aren't old enough to even have a cell phone.

  6. Raising children in these trying times is already hard enough. If your parents feel that a cell phone for you isn't needed in your daily routine then you will have to respect that, simply for the financial aspect. Good thing is, cell phone service isn't too expensive to have. If you plan your usage and limit yourself to only using a certain amount of minutes, you could buy a pre-paid phone. Bring up a point to your parents that you will be responsible to limit your usage and you would only need help buying the phone itself. This way, you will have a phone and it is only the use of the device you will be financially be responsible for. Do your research on these pre-paid services and bring it up to your parents. Your parents will see that you know what you plan to do with the phone and not leave the all the burden on their shoulders.  

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