
I want a degree in which I can teach the handicapped what field of study would I go into?

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I dont mind if its mentally or physically I would enjoy this and i dont know where I need to go!




  1. In the State of California, you can get a credential teaching Special Education in either Mild/Moderate disabilities or Moderate/Severe disabilities. I only say that because I'm in Ca and that's how it goes out here. You can actually do both the M/M and M/S credential at the same time which is good because then you can teach in any circumstance pertaining to special education. You will find though that in either credential you'll have students that have both mental and physical difficulties sometimes. You'll never regret becoming a Special Ed teacher. It's a great job.

  2. I am the mother of a child on the autistic spectrum, and there is a shortage of people wanting to work these kids.

  3. get a degree in teaching with emphasis on special ed.

  4. In additon to a degree in special education-

    the fields of pyschology and socialogy can lead to a career workign with people with disabilities in early intervention, social services, group homes, sheltered workshops, recreation programs, etc.

  5. If you plan on teaching in your current state without relocating go to your local state school to save money.  If you plan on relocating, consider going to school in Pennsylvania.  If you get certified in the state of Pennsylvania your certificate will transfer to any other state because we have the highest certification requirements.  This is something that not many people know about.  With a PA Teaching Certificate you will get hired in most states over other candidates.  Definitely get into a program that will give you dual certification in Elem. Ed and Special Ed.  This will also make you more marketable and you wil have the best of both worlds.

  6. where do you live. In america you need a post grad qualification in special ed.

    So you could probably do an education degree and then do post grad in special ed

    In Australia you can teach special ed with just a undergrad qualification in education.  There is a course at RMIT in Melbourne which is a double degree of Disability/Education

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