
I want a dog but my mom keeps saying no!!?

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how can i show her i want one. she said nothing will change her mind. i don't know why but she wont explain it to me ! help!!!




  1. i know what you mean.

    when i was little, my first sentence was "i want a puppy" and it took me 7 years to get it.  now i want another dog, and my parents say that college is right around the corner and who would take care of it?

    you have to show her that you are very responsible for a loooong time (it may take awhile) and research the breeds and find a breed you like.  then search for rescues and shelters in the area.  it's easier to get a dog from there, because a lot of the dogs are older and are already trained.

    all in all, your mom is in charge, and there's nothing you can do about it.  in the mean time, ask if she'd like to foster a dog!  if money is an issue, fostering is great, because you can have the joy of having a dog without the price!

    good luck :)

  2. Unfortunately for you, this is not your decision to make.  Your mother says no, and that's it.  Because GUARANTEED, she'll have to buy the dog food, pay for the vet bills, buy the collars, bowls, leashes, toys, etc., but it will be "your dog".  NOT RIGHT.

    Until you own your own place, and pay your own way in life, then you'll have to follow your mothers rules.

  3. forget about the dog and focus on more important things in life, like school

  4. try this tell her that u are so responsible and show her i to and tell her i have money and i can pay for it to if u have money???  and tell her that u can get one that is small from the adoption center and that it dosent shed

  5. Mother's house, mother's rules. If she doesn't want a dog, she won't get one for you. :/ If you want to, talk to her again a few days later, and ask her why she doesn't want a dog, and if she'll tell you and it's something reasonible, try to work around it.

  6. Well there really is nothing that you can do. Your mother is the boss. She obviously doesn't care for dogs, so who is going to care for the dog when you go off to college and don't have the time. Dogs can live anywhere from 10 to 17 years think about that, do you even know where you will be in 10 years. Owning a dog is very expensive, there's the cost of the dog, vet bills, supplies and any unexpected injuries that may come up. The first year alone can cost thousands of dollars and your mom will be the one who has to pay for it all. Just wait until you are on your own and are both mentally and financially ready for a dog, it may seem very far away, but at least you will have something to look forward to.

  7. my said that to me the first time and she was right. i got a dog and now i am heart broken because i had to give him away. your mom is right. she knows what is best for you.

  8. her house, her rules.  Although an explanation would be nice, she doesnt owe you one.

    Wait until you grow up and have your own place to get a dog.

  9. I know you want a dog, but are you really ready to take care of one? Who will take care of the dog when you are at school? If you get up late and don't have time to walk the dog?If you are sick? Or if you really would rather hang out with your friends?

    Something tells me that the answer to all of those questions will be....MOM!

    Wait until you have your own place, then you can have as many as you want. That is what my Mom told me and I do!

  10. She must have her reasons. If you are old enough, try to get a job that will earn you enough money to buy the dog and get immunisations and food, etc. You should also do some research into all the different types of dogs. Obviously your mother doesn't want one, I suggest you respect her wishes, I mean, come on, she raised you! All animals need love and the proper care, and if giving the dog that means waiting, so be it.

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