
I want a dog but my parents keep saying no and i have a cat?

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i am going to make a contract and they now i am responsible enough but they just don't think it's fair for the cat what should i say to convince them that the family cat will be fine




  1. your cat will grow to tollerate the dog if the dog has growen up with cats within 3 years...

  2. Maybe their right. Has your cat ever been around dogs? How old is it? Some cats will learn to tolerate a new dog in the house but others will not. Especially if the dog you get likes to chase or bark at cats.

    Maybe there are other reasons mom/dad are saying no. You say they "know" you are responsible, but what do you do to show it? Do you take care of your cat? Do chores? Get good grades? Have a job? And what about the cost of owning a dog? Do you expect them to go to work, earn a paycheck, then come home and spend it all on a dog they don't want?

    Mom/Dad work hard to pay for the house, their car(s), insurance, utilities, food, clothing, and any other needs. A dog is not one of those needs, and with prices rising i'm not surprised many parents are saying no to new pets. Dogs are expensive, no way around that!

    So sit down and ask them why they say no. Accept their ruling and move on. Get yourself a job and show them how responsible you can be, and ask again next summer (FYI summer is the best time to get a puppy because it's easier for housebreaking and you don't have to worry about potty training during school!)  

  3. pay a hitman to "dispose" of the cat, then act all tramatized and say why would you want a nother cat, so when you go to the humane society act all offended and say you cant replace the cat, and say you need a dog because cats reminds you of death

  4. well truthfully if you get a lazy bum dog like a shih tzu it really doesnt care about cats or anything, like my shih tzu pup, doesnt care about cats or dogs, they just come up to her and sniff her and she just lies down and stares at anyone, BUT SHE LOVES PPL!

  5. I have 3 cats and a dog (had 4 cats..) - Its quite a small breed of dog - its a Westie Terrier - sometime he chases the cats around - but mostly they seem to get on alright - even sleep next to eachother, eat together etc..idk - get another cat, dogs are hard work anyway.

  6. so what is your question?

  7. Tell them the dog and cat do just fine together and won't harm one another.

  8. Depends on the dog. Some dogs get along with other animals while others don't. It's all about the personality of the dog and cat. I found some good points about having a dog and cat get along, so i'll list the good points not that bad. Your family should also worry about the dog more than the cat because often the dogs get scratched by the cat.

    Dogs and cats can even be an inseperable team if they get along well.

    Dogs and cats can sense intruder alerts, better to have two alarms rather than one.

    The dog might be interesting to the cat so you might not have to deal with certain problems. Cats might want a friend too.

    But it all depends on the personality.

  9. I love dogs and cats but there is a difference, a cat can take care of itself and if indoor cat uses litter box and they meow and are very quiet, dogs you must take them out several times during rain, snow, sleet and dark of night so they can do their business, plus they bark and  crave more attention. Its up to you how far your willing to go to take care of this animal, a dog is more responsibility and you must be willing to give up some of your time to take care of him or her.

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