
I want a (fairly cheap) apartment to rent for 3 days in Florence.. Anyone know of any nice romantic ones?

by  |  earlier

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No more than 150 euros per night




  1. You can check on:

  2. Try former monastaries or convents, or youth hostels.

  3. i live in florence, i havent really heard of nice apartments that are only rented for not even a week, here apartments are usually rented in months. however i dont want to draw you back in your ideas. what i have heard and seen are places in the center of flornece called, bed and breakfast. in plain words its the cheap version of not staying in hotels.

    i only know of two places, 1 in the very eye center of florence. i dont even remember where it is, but i recall one time passing by it and reading a sign saying 'bed and breakfast'. i can check again later and try to look for it again if youre really interested.

    the other one is also a b & b but its nothing close to a 'nice and tidy' type. i know of it because of a cousin of mine who stayed there. it was about 35 euros per night per room for 2. thats considered the cheapest. this one is a little off on the side of florence next to the train station, unlike the other one thats at the eye center of florence, prices may vary i suppose, but thats all i can think of so far.

    if you need any info feel free to contact.


    50123 Firenze (FI) - 17, v. Fiume

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