
I want a flatter stomach?

by  |  earlier

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I have undergone a "lifestyle change" and I am drastically healthier. I have a big frame and am pretty overweight, but I am nowhere near obese. Anyways, with all my exercises and diet change I have watched my body transform. However, my stomach is still a huge problem area. I am not trying to obtain a 6-pack (maybe someday ahaha) I just want to be more in proportion. I am looking for some eating tips that will make my stomach go down. I already exercise on a regular basis but I am still trying to perfect my eating habits! Thanks!




  1. Hi...Most people don't realize that to get flat abs, you realllyyyy have to play close attention to your diet. One of the biggest belly-flab contributors has got to be sugar! Watch your intake on sugar, especially with regards to eating simple carbohydrates (like white pastas, breads, & rice) that only get converted to sugar...& of course put the breaks on candy. A little in moderation is ok, cuz it's not good to deprive yourself, but it's really best to get rid of sugar out of your diet. Choose fruits, veggies, high/lean protein foods, & whole grain carbohydrates...Also drinking water will help A LOT...To determine how much water your body needs, divide your weight into half, & that is how many ounces of water you will need to drink each day. Also, don't exceed 1,500-1,700 calories a day (depending upon your activity levels)...Eat smaller, more frequent meals to sustain your metabolism, & blood sugar levels. Diet is like 80% of obtaining flat abs, because there is NO way you can get flat abs on crunches alone.

    Secondly CARDIO is wayyy important for flattening the abs...I'd suggest the minimum of a half-hour (to one hour) each day of cardio

    (ie: jogging, aerobics, elliptical machines, stair climbing, bike riding, jumping rope, & kickboxing)...You have to burn the flab off the belly before you can tone it...& cardio is a great way to do this...It's also good to include ab exercises as well...Crunches, side/oblique crunches, reverse crunches, & the plank are all good exercises that target the various regions of the abs (the upper, lower, obliques, & the tranverse abs).

    I'll provide some good links you should take a look at, for more info & for some exercises you can do:

  2. an  excellent  exercise,  you  can do it in front of your TV: sit on a

    stool,  and  put  your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,

    for  example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make sure

    that  it  is  not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you

    will  damage  your  back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of your

    body  back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second and

    move it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week add

    to  the  number  of  repetitions.  You will see the results in a week,

    guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six

    pack  and  muscles.  Dumbbells  do  wonders.  Much  better  than these

    crunches  -  I  came  up to three hundreds and there was no results AT

    ALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

  3. The truth is that exercise alone isn't enough to burn off that layer of fat that is covering up your firm and toned abdominal muscles. To get rid of belly fat, you have to start burning off more calories than you consume every day.

    Eat Low Fat and Low Calorie

    The best way to burn off stomach fat is by eating a low fat, low calorie diet. You don't have to starve yourself. Just start by making healthier food choices.

    Start eating more whole grain breads and pastas. Cut some of the red meat out of your diet, and try fish and poultry instead. Try to use less oil and butter in your cooking. And if you just have to have ranch dressing on your salad, at least use the low fat variety.

    And don't forget the fresh fruits and vegetables. They are low in fat, filling, and taste good, and are a perfect alternative to the snacks you usually eat.

    Exercise Regularly

    Eating fewer calories is just the start. Regular exercise will help burn off even more calories.

    Most people who are trying to get rid of their belly fat start off doing a cardio workout that raises your heart rate for about 20 to 30 minutes, thinking that this is the best way to burn it off quickly. While cardio work-outs are an important part of an exercise program to keep your heart healthy, they aren't necessarily the best way to lose the fat that's still hanging onto your stomach. A better solution is a combination of high intensity work-outs and resistance training. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't do cardio at all, it just means that you shouldn't make it the main emphasis of your plan to achieve six pack abs.

    Don't Starve Yourself

    It's true that eating fewer calories than you burn will help you burn belly fat. But don't go overboard.

    If you don't eat properly, your body will go into starvation mode, and will start holding on to your body fat. As your metabolism slows down, burning off fat will get harder and harder, and achieving those washboard abs will take much longer.

    So don't stop eating regular meals. Just make the meals you eat healthier.

    Several Small Meals a Day

    Instead of eating three large meals a day, try eating several small meals a day. Eating several small meals a day will kick your metabolism into overdrive. Keeping your body supplied will fuel will not only make you feel more energetic, but it will give your body the energy it needs to burn off more calories.

    So, try to eat something healthy every two or three hours.

    Regular exercise and a low fat, low calorie diet is the best way to get rid of belly fat. And you can do it without starving yourself or spending hours doing low intensity cardio exercises.

  4. You CANNOT target train away fat. What I mean is - you cannot do a ton of ab exercises to get rid of stomach fat. Your body will draw its fat storage from where you're genetically predisposed to draw it from. (That's why you'll see some people with abnormally large bottoms! It's just genetics,!) All doing ab work will do is build the muscle behind the fat and make the fat stick out even farther. What you need to concentrate on is CARDIO! Biking, running, walking, swimming, jump roping, etc. That will thin you out all over, causing the stomach fat to lessen.

    Just a P.S. while doing ab work won't thin your stomach, building muscle all over WILL speed up your metabolism, since muscle burns more calories just while it's sitting there doing nothing than fat does. So add in some all-over weight training with some five or eight pound weights to build lean muscle.

  5. eat whole grains, veggies, fruit, dairy, and lean protein.  

  6. imo, only way is to lay on the ground and do curls, situps, etc;

    food did not help me with it at all i got rid of my belly doing that  

  7. ab crunches

  8. 1.Eat healthier and cut down on junk food.                                        2.Watch how many soft drinks you consume. Consider flavored water as an alternative.                                                                           3.Do aerobics                                                                              4.Do crunches every day You must be consistant or else it won't work                                                                                           5.Eat at least two hours before your sleep fat wont burn well while asleep y day.k.  

  9. Continue with this, but sometimes we can't have what we want.

  10. you just gotta fight off the junk food and itll go away.

    its hard but it will work.

    anyway im a guy i dont care if a girl has a six pack or just a plain flat stomach.

    acctually id rather a plain flat stomach

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