
I want a flying car..where can i get one and when?

by  |  earlier

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seriously.a solar panel covered wing set and fiber optic designs

should get us a flying car soon.whats going on with the people who build them ? i wanted mine yesterday!!




  1. Actually, they do exist. Check out the Moller Skycar M400. They have been taking refundable deposits on the M400 since 2003.

    Its a car .. it flies. Its a step in the right direction even though its not fully developed.

  2. Don't we all!  Problem is while the technology exists for flight, the amount of required fuel is more than solar could provide at this time and the risk of everyone driving in 3D rather than 2D is beyond what the government wants to handle.  Imagine the accidents - not just people changing lanes and rear ending each other, but going up and down into one another.  Imagine the terrorist opportunities when every family in the country can take to the air in 2-3 vehicles.  This is a logistical nightmare.

  3. you will only get one in your dreams they have not put one out yet and for as far as that goes it would cost more than a lambo so if they ever make one unless your bill gates keep dreaming

  4. Umm ... well ... people with that kind of technology aren't sure if they are really going to work out well or not ...

  5. i think george jetson has put his up for sale

  6. you can either wait 200 years or you can go on an watch i little too much tv

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