
I want a fun job, that pays well, or has a retirement plan that wouldn't require a lot of college.

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I'm in highschool, and I'm trying to figure out what to do when I'm older.

I want something that I will make enough money that I can support myself, but enjoy doing.

I really like change, and I don't want a job that will require me to do the exact same thing everyday.

I'd prefer not to go to college more than a couple years, because I really don't think I'd be motivated enough to do as well as I could.

Also, if the job had a retirement plan, that would be good. That way I would actually have something once I wasn't working, and I'd have smething to show for the work I've done over the years.

All I can think of that goes along those lines is a teacher, but I'm not good with kids, so thats out.

Any ideas anyone?




  1. A teacher in a public school needs a minimum of a Bachelor's degree, so that would be out anyway.

    What I suggest you do is think about what you like and look into the community colleges near you. If you like something, the more chance it will be the fun job that you want. Many of them have a variety of courses and they are often cheaper and have the better connections to jobs.

    You are not going to start out with a high salary, unless you know someone who can get you some really good job, which is very hard for most of us. So, plan on working your way up. Experience is the most important thing, degree or no degree.

    Retirement plans are found in state and local gov't. jobs. There are not always a lot, but if you find your state's employment department/personnel department, they may have a website with job listings. There you will possibly find entry-level jobs that require only a high school diploma and little or no experience. This is what I would do if I could go back in time. You will start out at a low wage, but will have plenty of room to advance and get promotions. And those benefits are worth SO MUCH!

    Many hospitals also have pensions. A lot of larger companies will have retirement plans.

    Good luck!

  2. I'm 28 years old and I'm still trying to figure that out.  I'm looking into dental assisting; there's a school close to my home that's only 10 weeks long and they have a job placement program.  Maybe you could look into something like that.  Here's a link to the school; I'm thinking that you're probably not from Forked River, NJ, but it will give you an idea.

  3. you find me a FUN job and you be sure to e-mail what it is casue i'm 29 and i haven't found anyhting FUN.

  4. You'd definitely want to be involved in something that would be fun, could answer your financial woes and at the same time, build a residual income(getting paid over and over again for doing something one time!), so that you could retire at a young age and enjoy the things in life that matter to you the most!  Once you're 18, if you're not already, visit

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