
I want a game for my 7 year old brother?

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Hi im looking for a game for my 7 year old brother he keeps saying will i play with him will i play with him and its getting on my nurves so please please get those messages coming it so then i dont need to play with him and he will be happy aswell playing on a game on his own




  1. Get him a Nintendo, game boy, game boy cartridge or get him his favourite action figure, if he still bugs you, then u buy for him a computer game, or download one, its better to download one.He will love it for sure!

  2. YoU CaN gO To tOy'S R US An BuY GaMeS LiKE: liFe, mOuSe TrAp, BAttLe sHiP,bInGo,cHueTs aNd lAttERs

  3. No such game exists.  He doesn't want to play any game by himself.  He wants to play with YOU because you're his big sister and he loves you.

    In this context, the word "loves" means he wants to pester and annoy the heck out of you.

  4. Try the Cranium line of games.  They are fun and you can get the whole family involved.

  5. Get him an x box to play with then you'll have to fight him to get off of the TV.

  6. get him a game boy or PSP (playstation portable) those will keep him entertained for hours or buy him a good movie or something lol or play hide and seek he will hide and you pretend to look for him lol sike hats pretty mean

  7. You can buy him a chess set and you may play with him when you are free.  At the same time he can be better in playinh chess.

  8. Toss Across is good choice its made by mattel.Its a noughts and crosses game with a difference you have to throw a bean bags  to change the symbol it will definitely keep him amused but I  bet you will want a turn and try to beat him

  9. Well, what kind of board game does he like?

    If you go to Toys 'R' Us with him you can let him choose a game, and the games usually have written on the side what ages they're for.

  10. Heroscape








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