
I want a gf but I have SAD so bad I cant go after one, Im so lonely I dont want to live anymore.?

by  |  earlier

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I have no friends due to social anxiety disorder. And I want a girl in my life im decent looking 24 year old with college degree.




  1. Have you every heard of Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)?

    They're a form of antidepressants that may help keep your condition under control. But make sure that anyone you meet knows about your condition, so that they can automatically accept you as you are.

  2. Have you looked into getting help?  See a psychiatrist, there are lots of good treatments out there and I'm sure you can benefit from one of them.  The hardest part will be to get started, but once you do and see improvement, then you're life will improve and it will all be worth it.  Good luck, and don't give up!!

  3. See a psychiatrist...

    Anxiety is something that you cant help and it has something to do with your chemical makeup. They can put you on medicine that will take the edge off your anxiety. In the meantime, possibly talk to people online and make some friends. I too have a hard time talking to random people and would have a hard time flirting. I actually wound up meeting my current girlfriend on myspace and I couldn't be happier. Don't worry... you'll find someone. You just have to get yourself out there in some way whether its online or in person. Online tends to be much easier because there isn't any face to face interaction which is usually the difficult part. Then, once you become comfortable with someone you met online, you wouldn't mind meeting them in person.

  4. You don't say whether you are receiving any treatment for you SAD.  I hope you are.  My suggestion would be to look for a group doing something you are interested in...a hobby or something.  I know this will be hard for you, but you can do it.  I used to suffer from this affliction, but in my day we just called it shyness and there was no treatment.  Before I did something scary, I used to 'psych myself up' and make myself believe temporarily that I was the best person in the place.  I pretended to be confident.  This is called, 'Fake it till you make it'.  It works.  Try it!!  :)  Very best wishes

  5. Just be yourself.

    You can also ask your friends/family

    for help. They always enjoy


    And you can also try internet

    dating websites.  

  6. join a group with people who suffer from'll find plenty of ladies there ;)

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